Warranty, Appendix – VTech LS6117-19 User Manual
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8. Charges for nstallaton or set up, adjustment of customer controls, and nstallaton or repar of systems outsde the unt.
How do you get warranty service?
To obtan warranty servce n the Unted States of Amerca, please call 1 (800) 595-9511. In Canada, please call 1 (800) 267-7377. NOTE:
Before callng for servce, please revew the user’s manual - a check of the Product’s controls and features may save you a servce call.
Except as provded by applcable law, you assume the rsk of loss or damage durng transt and transportaton and are responsble for delvery
or handlng charges ncurred n the transport of the Product(s) to the servce locaton. VTech wll return repared or replaced Product under
ths lmted warranty. Transportaton, delvery or handlng charges are prepad. VTech assumes no rsk for damage or loss of the Product
n transt. If the Product falure s not covered by ths lmted warranty, or proof of purchase does not meet the terms of ths lmted warranty,
VTech wll notfy you and wll request that you authorze the cost of repar pror to any further repar actvty. You must pay for the cost of repar
and return shppng costs for the repar of Products that are not covered by ths lmted warranty.
What must you return with the Product to get warranty service?
1. Return the entre orgnal package and contents ncludng the Product to the VTech servce locaton along wth a descrpton of the
malfunction or difficulty; and
2. Include a “vald proof of purchase” (sales recept) dentfyng the Product purchased (Product model) and the date of purchase or
recept; and
3. Provde your name, complete and correct malng address, and telephone number.
Other Limitations
Ths warranty s the complete and exclusve agreement between you and VTech. It supersedes all other wrtten or oral communcatons
related to ths Product. VTech provdes no other warrantes for ths Product. The warranty exclusvely descrbes all of VTech’s responsbltes
regarding the Product. There are no other express warranties. No one is authorized to make modifications to this limited warranty and you
should not rely on any such modification.
State/Provincial Law Rights: This warranty gives you specific legal rights, and you may also have other rights, which vary from state to state
or provnce to provnce.
Limitations: Implied warranties, including those of fitness for a particular purpose and merchantability (an unwritten warranty that the Product
is fit for ordinary use) are limited to one year from the date of purchase. Some states/provinces do not allow limitations on how long an implied
warranty lasts, so the above lmtaton may not apply to you. In no event shall VTech be lable for any ndrect, specal, ncdental, consequental,
or similar damages (including, but not limited to lost profits or revenue, inability to use the Product or other associated equipment, the cost
of substtute equpment, and clams by thrd partes) resultng from the use of ths Product. Some states/provnces do not allow the excluson
or lmtaton of ncdental or consequental damages, so the above lmtaton or excluson may not apply to you.
Please retain your original sales receipt as proof of purchase.