High defi nition media facts – Verbatim \ Blu-ray HD DVD User Manual
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High Defi nition Media Facts
Experience it with Verbatim.
With less than 10 years since the debut of the DVD format, the ‘Next Generation’ of optical media is already on the production line
and the demand for the new revolution in home entertainment – High Defi nition (HD) is on the rise.
High Defi nition Television provides an unsurpassed picture quality and a remarkable high-end surround sound. With the superb
resolution, dynamic contrast, vivid colours and remarkably clear sound effects, high defi nition brings an additional dimension to
your visual entertainment.
Since the 1950s, Hollywood has been using 70mm fi lm to achieve widescreen shots, sharp pictures and most importantly, high
quality sound. Since our television systems during the past 50 have had a lower resolution than these fi lms, reproduction was
of a lesser quality.
Nowadays, with the development of High Defi nition Media, the same Hollywood quality can be viewed on the new High Defi nition
televisions which are now on the market (HDTV).
With the expected growth of HDTV, there is a consequent growth in the recording of the HD television programming. Today,
recording 2 hours of standard defi nition television in high quality requires a full 4.7GB DVD disc. High Defi nition content – with
its increased resolution and digital sound tracks requires an ever greater amount of storage capacity. What does this mean? For
consumers who want to record High Defi nition content, a higher capacity DVD is needed that can store
this content with increased resolution and digital sound tracks.
Verbatim has recognised this need and to meet the demands of the market, we are offering the two current formats on the market:
Blu-ray Discs and HD DVDs.