Wi-fi profiles, Changing to a different profile, Updating the current profile – Verizon MiFi 2200 User Manual

Page 25: Updating other profiles, Wi-fi screen

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Wi-Fi Screen

ed to the WLAN, also

Wi-Fi Profiles

settings are contained in "Profiles". Three (3) profiles are available:

Open - No Wireless security is possible.

Hot Spot - Security is enabled, and the network name (SSID) and

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Changing to a Different Profile
To use a different profile:

1. Select the desired profile in the “Selected Profile” list.
2. Wait for the screen to update with the Wi-Fi settings for the selected profile.
3. Click the “Apply” button to cause the MiFi 2200 to use the selected profile.

Changing the WIFI profile will terminate all Wi-Fi connections to the MiFi 2200, including
the connection to the Web-based UI.
You must re-connect to the MiFi 2200 using the Wi-Fi settings of the new profile. Ensure
you know what these settings are. This is the Wi-Fi screen.

Updating the Current Profile

• Modify the displayed Wi-Fi settings
• Click the “Apply” button.

If you update the Current Profile, the existing connection will be lost. The effect will depend
on which Wi-Fi settings you have changed:

1. If the network name (SSID) is changed, you will need to use the Wi-Fi manager on

your computer to reconnect.

2. If the security method or network key is changed, you will need to use the Wi-Fi

manager on your computer to reconnect.

3. For other changes, your computer should reconnect automatically after a short

interval after the AP (Access Point) in the MiFi 2200 restarts.

Updating other Profiles
You can also update a profile which is not in use. This will have no effect on the existing Wi-
Fi connection from your computer to the MiFi 2200.

This page is accessed via the menu, and contains all settings relat
called Wi-Fi network or 802.11 network.


Secure - Wireless security must be enabled.


security key are auto-generated. The other Wi-Fi settings are copied from the
“Secure” profile.

een contains 2 Profile fields:

Current Profile – this is the Wi-Fi profile in use.
Selected Profile – the screen displays the Wi-Fi settings for this screen.

he screen first loads, the Current and Selected profiles will be the same.