Verilux VT04 User Manual
Page 8

Instructions for use
Blue light therapy consists of exposing your eyes to a suffi cient quantity
of blue light in the 460 nm range for 30 – 60 minutes, 2–3 hours prior
to falling asleep or for the same duration in the morning. Blue Light has
been shown to act as a “switch” to help regulate both sleep and daytime
circadian rhythm. The Verilux
TwiLight™ Blue Light Therapy Sleep
System should be located between 1’ and 10’ away from you during the
exposure period. You do not need to look directly at the light to benefi t
from its effects and some people may experience discomfort if they
stare directly at the light.
• Locate the system on a fl at surface such as a dresser or nightstand.
• Turn the system on 5 minutes prior to your session in order for it to
develop maximum brightness.
• Continue with your normal evening activities, but allow the healthful
blue light to bathe you in its illumination. Other ambient light sources
should be reduced during exposure time.
• If a young child or infant is being treated with the TwiLight™ System,
exposure to the direct light must be avoided to guard against
potential damage to developing eyes.
• Optimum exposure time is different for each person; therefore, it is
important to test various brightness levels, times of day, exposure
times and distances from the light source to determine which
combination is most effective.
Note: Eye disease researchers have found limited
evidence that bright light and blue light therapy may cause
additional harm to people with pre-existing eye damage
(including glaucoma and macular degeneration), and
could increase the incidents of age related blindness.
Medical professionals recommend people with pre-existing
retinal conditions be tested prior to using any bright light or
blue light therapy system.