Velodyne Acoustics LIDAR HDL-32E User Manual
Page 19

Data Packet Format
The HDL-32E outputs two UDP Ethernet packets — a data packet containing laser firing data located on Port 2368 and a positioning packet
which contains GPS and positioning data located on Port 8308. The packet at Port 2368 contains a header, a data payload of firing data and
status data. Data packets are assembled with the collection of all firing data for twelve laser firing sequences. The laser distance and
instensity data is collected in the same staggered order (0, 16, 1, 17 . . . 14, 30, 15, 31) as the laser is firing. The data packet is then
combined with status and header data in a UDP packet transmitted over Ethernet. The data packet is transmitted starting with the last byte
acquired in a last in, first out (LIFO) data order.
The status data always contains a GPS 4 byte timestamp representing milliseconds from the top of the hour. In addition, the status data
contains two reserved bytes not used at this time.
[ 16 ]
HDL-32E User’s Manual
aPPendix B: HdL-32e saMPLe data PacKets