Vermont Castings 3421 User Manual

Gasket kit #3421, For the resolute acclaim stove, Installation instructions

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Gasket Kit #3421

Installation Instructions

for the
Resolute Acclaim Stove

The Acclaim uses a rope-type gasket to make a seal
between some parts. With use, this gasket can be-
come compressed and begin to lose its effectiveness. It
should then be replaced.
4’ of 3/16” gasket (door glass frame)
8’ of 5/16” gasket (back, top, upper fireback)
4’ of 5/16” wire gasket (griddle)
6’ of 1/2” gasket (front door)
1 tube of gasket cement
Tools required: Utility knife, wooden block, rubber mal-
let, 1/4” allen wrench, wire brush, flat-blade screwdriver.
Wait till the fire is out and the stove has cooled com-
pletely before replacing the gasket, and be sure to wear
safety goggles and a dust mask.
The procedure for replacing the gaskets is the same,
regardless of the gasket location.
1. Remove the original gasket by grasping an end and

pulling firmly.

2. Use a wire brush or tip of a screwdriver to clean the

channel of any remaining cement or bits of gasket.
Use a cold chisel on stubborn deposits if necessary.

3. Determine the right length of the appropriate-sized

gasket by laying it out in the channel. Allow an extra
1-2” (25-50mm) and mark the spot to be cut.

4. Remove the gasket from the channel, place it on

a wooden cutting surface, and cut it at the marked
spot with a utility knife. Twist the ends slightly to
discourage the gasket from unraveling.

5. Apply the cement in the channel. Before you cut the

tip of the cement tube, knead the tube thoroughly to
help mix back into the cement any water that may
have separated during storage. Practice applying the
cement on a piece of newspaper before you apply it
in the channel.

6. Starting at one end, press the gasket into the chan-

nel. Ensure a good joint where the ends meet before
trimming any excess. Do not overlap the gasket
ends or leave ends with ragged edges.




11/30/00 djt


Fig. 1 Remove gasket then clean channel with wire brush.




11/30/00 djt


Stove Gasket


Fig. 2 Lay a bead of gasket cement then press gasket in

7. Press the part firmly against its normal mating

surface to seat the gasket evenly in its channel.
Tap it with the rubber mallet (or hammer and block
of wood) to help seat it properly. Never hit cast iron
directly with a metal hammer.

8. Clean any excess gasket cement from around the

channel; residual cement will leave a white cast after
it dries. Extra cement will attack and dull an enam-
elled finish, so remove it right away with a damp
rag. Then, let the cement that holds the new gasket
dry for at least 24 hours. Use a slip of waxed paper
between the gasket and the mating surface to keep
the cement from migrating through the gasket and
sticking it to the mating surface.

9. Test the gasket seal by closing the door or griddle

on a piece of paper. Pull gently on the paper. A good
seal will provide firm resistance. A poor seal will let
the paper move freely.

2008847 8/08 Rev. 7