VIEWSONIC VS12638 User Manual
Page 54

ViewSonic VNB101
Limitation of implied warranties:
There are no warrantes, express or mpled, whch extend beyond the descrpton contaned heren
including the implied warranty of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose.
Exclusion of damages:
VewSonc’s lablty s lmted to the cost of repar or replacement of the product. VewSonc shall
not be lable for:
1. Damage to other property caused by any defects n the product, damages based upon
inconvenience, loss of use of the product, loss of time, loss of profits, loss of business
opportunty, loss of goodwll, nterference wth busness relatonshps, or other commercal loss,
even f advsed of the possblty of such damages.
2. Any other damages, whether ncdental, consequental or otherwse.
3. Any clam aganst the customer by any other party.
4. Repar or attempted repar by anyone not authorzed by VewSonc.
Effect of state law:
This warranty gives you specific legal rights, and you may also have other rights which vary from
state to state. Some states do not allow lmtatons on mpled warrantes and/or do not allow the
excluson of ncdental or consequental damages, so the above lmtatons and exclusons may not
apply to you.
Sales outside the U.S.A. and Canada:
For warranty nformaton and servce on VewSonc products sold outsde of the U.S.A. and
Canada, contact VewSonc or your local VewSonc dealer.
The warranty perod for ths product n manland Chna (Hong Kong, Macao and Tawan Excluded)
s subject to the terms and condtons of the Mantenance Guarantee Card.
For users n Europe and Russa, full detals of warranty provded can be found n www. under Support/Warranty Informaton.
4.3: VewSonc NetBook Warranty
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NB_LW01 Rev. 1a 02-11-09