Von Schweikert Audio VR-4SR MK2 User Manual
Page 14

metal film resistor to equalize the sensitivity of the louder speaker in order to make a fair test.) Here
at the factory lab, we have used several brands of electrostatic and ribbon speakers for comparison
and have been consistently amazed at the results we are achieving with dynamic cone drivers!
Since the VR design is quite transparent, lacking audible coloration and distortion, it is necessary to
use only the finest sounding equipment available to drive the VR-4SR Mk2's. This does not mean you
must purchase the most expensive gear, just good sounding electronics, especially in the front end.
Many digital products have limited depth and excess treble brightness caused by overemphasis of
harmonic structure. The VR’s will enable you to easily hear the differences even between digital
cables, which theoretically, should have no sonic signature! Any sonic qualities you attribute to the
VR's are actually coming from the chain preceding the speakers. When using neutral driving
equipment, the VR-4SR Mk2’s will be found to have virtually no sound of their own!
Since there are thousands of different combinations of components, we can not give any specific
recommendations for electronics or cables. Your VR dealer, however, is experienced with many types
of components and should be consulted for best results. We have made an effort to seek out dealers
who are experienced in the art of component matching and have full trust in their abilities, so please
use their expertise when building a system around the VR series of loudspeakers.
Your VR dealer should have the necessary resources to investigate any problems you may experience
when setting up a world class reference system. However, if you find that you need specialized help,
either in acoustical or electronic interactions not well understood by your dealer, please don’t hesitate
to contact the factory by emailing your request to:
. A qualified engineer
will assist you with any problems you are experiencing in achieving world class sound.
A very common problem is brightness, and is wrongly attributed to the
speakers since they are the apparent source of all sound. Some of the causes of brightness are:
1. Powerline Noise. Can be ameliorated with a proper line conditioner.
2. Cable Resonance. Too many brands of different cables which interact improperly. Switch
interconnects, including the digital cable, to a different brand.
3. Digital Noise. Use a powerline filter on DAC only. Many times the harshness is created by digital
noise bleeding into the preamp, so don’t put the preamp on the same filter as the DAC.
4. Lack of Proper Break-in. Please break speakers in 300 hours with loud music.
5. Source Material. Unfortunately, most commercial CD’s are bright! Try using the Green Felt Pen
and the various CD treatments available, they work like magic.
6. Transistor Sound. Older transistor gear is bright and lacks depth. Invest in newer gear.
7. Dirty Connections. Proper maintenance of a system requires cleaning of all RCA connectors once a
month; don’t forget to clean the AC plug prongs. Tube sockets and pins need to be cleaned as well,
and is a source of tube glare, along with tube deterioration itself. See your dealer for cleaners.
8. Cold Equipment. The entire system must be left on (excluding tube amplifiers) continuously for
best sound quality. Cold equipment, especially transistor preamps and DAC’s, sound thin, sterile, and
lack depth and dimensionality. Cold transistor amplifiers sound harsh, lacking depth. Most experts
recommend leaving the equipment on to avoid the damage associated with cold turn-on, since the