High defi nition media, Why verbatim, About verbatim – Verbatim Blue-Ray Disc Player User Manual

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High Defi nition Media

With less than 10 years since the debut of the DVD format, the ‘Next
Generation’ of optical media is already here and the demand for High
Defi nition (HD) home entertainment is on the rise.

Why Verbatim?

Verbatim offers the complete solution
for all your needs. From optical media
and memory cards to printable photo
paper and batteries, Verbatim is
the right choice for future
technology, today.

Verbatim aims to ensure that all of
our products carrying the Verbatim
brand meet the exact high quality
standards that our customers have
come to expect.

Our research and development teams
are continually creating new products
and enhancements on current products.
This results in early launches of new
products like Blu-ray plus latest speed
generations in DVD, whilst improving
printable surfaces and establishing
features like Hard Coat.

Our business model and dedicated
employees have earned us our sought
after leadership position and the top
market share in Europe for recordable
CD and DVD media. It is a position we
have worked hard to achieve, and we
will work even harder to maintain it.

About Verbatim

Verbatim is a subsidiary of
Mitsubishi Kagaku Media, based in
Japan. Mitsubishi Kagaku Media’s
wide-range of operations makes it
one of the leading chemical companies
in the world.

Mitsubishi Kagaku Media’s pioneering
strength is visible in its products, for which
the research and development is carried
out in the Mizushima Research Centre.
The company also has strong relationships
with the major hardware manufacturers
in the market. These two strengths
benefi t Verbatim by ensuring not only the
latest technologies and products fi rst to
market, but also that optical discs bearing
our brand are the standard that many
hardware companies test their recorders
on, making our discs superbly compatible.

Mizushima Research Centre

High Defi nition Television provides an unsurpassed picture quality and a
remarkable high-end surround sound. With the superb resolution, dynamic
contrast, vivid colours and remarkably clear sound effects, high defi nition
brings an additional dimension to your visual entertainment.

With the expected growth of HDTV, there is a consequent growth in
the recording of the HD television programming. Recording 2 hours of
standard defi nition television in standard DVD quality requires a full 4.7GB
DVD disc. High Defi nition content – with its increased resolution and
digital sound tracks requires an ever greater amount of storage capacity.
Verbatim’s Blu-ray discs range from 25GB to a massive 50GB which is more
than enough HD storage space.