Vizio CPU-56 User Manual
Page 9

4. Reduction of the number of stations and paging zones
which results from the use of the Tieline Unit TI-52.
1. Mounting one (1) piece of the TI-52 decreases the number of the
LMU-52A (the 7th or the 15th LMU-52A) by one (1).
2. Unless the PIU-52A is used, the system can have up to 8 more
stations by placing an LMU-52A in the 8th or the 16th position.
3. When the system uses the tieline function, the second unit of
the PIU-52A (paging zones 8 - 15) cannot be used.
LMU:Line Modem Unit
PIU:Paging Unit
PIUI:Zone No. 0 ~ 7
PIU II:Zone No. 8 ~15
TI:Tie line Unit
5. Block diagram for tielined exchanges.
Note. Tieline connection of EX-510 to
Exchanges is also possible.
Exchange A
Exchange B
Exchange C
Tie line
Tie line
– 8