Ultra Products Screen Cleaning Gel ULT33047 User Manual
Screen cleaning gel

Screen Cleaning Gel
Screen Cleaning Gel
Part #: ULT33047
UPC#: 022769330471
Screen Cleaning Gel
Need to clean your LCD screen? Don’t want to risk scratches and
streaks? Come clean with Ultra’s special formula anti-run,
anti-static screen cleaning gel. Clearly the best screen cleaning
substance in the industry, Ultra’s new screen cleaning gel can
create newfound clarity with any type of screen! And this smooth,
high-performance gel does not run down the screen. Plus, Ultra’s
special formula anti-run, anti-static screen cleaning gel is simple to
use. Just spray the gel on your screen once or twice, then wipe the
screen with a cleaning cloth until your screen is clear, clean and
dry. When it’s time to clean your screen, go with the special
formula gel that’s clearly the best. Ultra’s new anti-run, anti-static
screen cleaning gel. Best price anywhere, too!