Universal Security Instruments SS-795 User Manual

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OPERATION: The smoke alarm is operating once the power is connected and turned on (the battery
must also be installed). When products of combustion are sensed, the unit sounds a loud alarm
which continues until the air is cleared.

This alarm incorporates the internationally recognized horn signal for evacuation. During alarm
mode, the horn produces three short beeps followed by a two second pause and then repeats. This
pattern is somewhat different than the previous alarm sound, which continually beeped.

STANDBY CONDITION: The red LED flashes once every 40-60 seconds to indicate the unit is
properly functioning.

LOCAL ALARM CONDITION: The red LED flashes rapidly and the unit emits a loud, pulsating
alarm sound.

REMOTE ALARM CONDITION: The red LED is off and the unit emits a loud, pulsating alarm.

GREEN LED: The green LED is on whenever AC power is turned on.

TESTING: Test by pushing the test button on the smoke alarm cover until the alarm sounds, then
release. The alarm sounds if all electronic circuitry, horn and battery are working. If no alarm sounds,
the unit may have a defective battery or other failure.

NEVER use an open flame of any kind to test this unit. You might accidentally damage or set
fire to the unit or to your home. The built-in test switch accurately tests the unit's operation as
required by Underwriters Laboratories Inc. (UL).

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If you choose to use an aerosol smoke product to test the smoke alarm, be certain to use one
that has been Listed to Underwriters Laboratories, Inc. Safety Standards and use it only as
directed. Use of non-UL Listed products or improper use of UL Listed products may affect
the smoke alarm's sensitivity.

FALSE ALARMS "SILENCE" CONTROL: Units with the "silence" feature have the capability of
temporarily reducing the sensitivity of the alarm circuit for approximately 3-9 minutes. This feature is
to be used only when a known alarm condition such as smoke from cooking activates the smoke
alarm. The smoke alarm is deactivated by pushing the test button on the smoke alarm cover for at
least three seconds. The smoke alarm will automatically reduce sensitivity and "beep" every 30-40
seconds for approximately 3-9minutes to indicate the alarm is in the temporary silent condition. The
smoke alarm will gradually reactivate during the 3-9 minutes and sound the alarm if particles of
combustion are still present. The "silence" feature may be used repeatedly until the air has cleared.

Before using the alarm "silence" feature, identify the source of smoke and be certain that
safe conditions exist.

MAINTENANCE: The smoke alarm is virtually maintenance free. However, under dusty conditions,
a vacuum hose may be used to clear the sensing chamber of dust.

Clean the smoke alarm at least once a month to remove dust, dirt or debris. Always turn off power
to smoke alarm before cleaning. Using a soft brush or wand attachment to a vacuum cleaner, vacuum
all sides and cover of smoke alarm. Be sure all the vents are free of debris.


Disconnect AC power before changing battery. Shock hazard exists if AC power is miswired.

The smoke alarm uses a 9 Volt carbon-zinc battery. The battery should last for at least one year
under normal operating conditions. The smoke alarm has a low battery indicator; an audible "beep."
It will operate at 30-40 second intervals for a minimum of 7 days. When this indication occurs,
replace the battery with an Alkaline type (Eveready Energizer #522, Duracell #MN1604), Carbon-
Zinc type (Gold Peak #1604P, Eveready #216).

Push and lift the battery door latch and remove the battery from the battery door. While observing
polarity, push the battery into the battery door until it is held securely in place. Carefully close and
latch the battery door.