The fcc wants you to know, I.c. notice, Terminal equipment – Uniden TCX930 User Manual

Page 20: Radio equipment

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The FCC Wants You To Know

Changes or modifications to this product not expressly approved by

Unden, or operaton of ths product n any way other than as detaled by
the owner's manual, could vod your authorty to operate ths product.
Ths devce comples wth part 5 of the FCC rules. Operaton s subject
to the followng two condtons: () Ths devce may not cause harmful
nterference, and () Ths devce must accept any nterference receved,
ncludng nterference that may cause undesred operaton. Prvacy of
communcatons may not be ensured when usng ths phone.
To nsure the safety of users, the FCC has establshed crtera for
the amount of rado frequency energy varous products may produce
dependng on ther ntended usage. Ths product has been tested
and found to comply wth the FCC's exposure crtera. For body worn
operaton, the FCC RF exposure gudelnes were also met when used
wth the Unden accessores suppled or desgned for ths product. Use
of other accessores may not ensure complance wth FCC RF exposure
gudelnes and should be avoded.

I.C. Notice

Terminal Equipment

NOTICE:Ths equpment meets the applcable Industry Canada Termnal

Equipment Technical Specifications. This is confirmed by the registration

number. The abbreviation, IC, before the registration number signifies

that regstraton was performed based on a Declaraton of Conformty

indicating that Industry Canada technical specifications were met. It does

not mply that Industry Canada approved the equpment.
NOTICE:The Rnger Equvalence Number (REN) for ths termnal
equpment s marked on the equpment tself. The REN assgned to
each termnal equpment provdes an ndcaton of the maxmum number
of termnals allowed to be connected to a telephone nterface. The
termnaton on an nterface may consst of any combnaton of devces
subject only to the requrement that the sum of the Rnger Equvalence

Numbers of all the devices does not exceed five.

Radio Equipment

The term "IC:" before the radio certification number only signifies

that Industry Canada technical specifications were met. Operation is

subject to the followng two condtons: () ths devce may not cause
nterference, and () ths devce must accept any nterference, ncludng
nterference that may cause undesred operaton of the devce. "Prvacy
of communcatons may not be ensured when usng ths telephone".