Ultratec PRO80 User Manual
Page 81

Signal Light…4, 18
Signaler…3, 9-10
SK, see Conversation etiquette
Special Calling Options…2
Special Function buttons…1, 4, 6, see also specific
Sticky Keys…56
connecting…3, 5, 9-10
line…8, 10, 18, 65, 68
Telephone numbers, see Dialing or Directory
Text telephone…1
Time, see Date and time
Toll Saver…37-38
Tone, see Dialing
Touchtone, see Dialing
Transferring a call…2, 19, 30
TS, see Toll Saver
Turbo Code…51, 57, 66-67
about…1, 57
interrupt…1, 22, 57
Turbo Code dot…57
Turbo Lock…58
turning on and off…52
Turbo Lock…58
VCO, see Voice Carry Over
Voice Announcer…24
Voice Carry Over…48-49
Wait for Response…30
Weitbrecht…inside front cover
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