One pixel snow noise remove – Unibrain 780 User Manual
Page 60

Unibrain Fire-i 580/780/785/980 Operation Manual
Page 54
4.11. One Pixel Snow Noise Remove
With this function, it is possible to average the value of snow noise pixel by using the neighboring pixels values. The
formula used is: If ((Pi-Pi-1) > Threshold*16) and ((Pi-Pi+1) > (Threshold*16)), Pi is bad pixel. The purpose of the
function is to increase the average pixels values for the whole image and be automatically displayed and the images
can be compensated by over up to 50%. The register address and values for this function are:
Description (bit 0: msb)
One Pixel Snow Noise Remove
Bit 0 : presence inquiry (read only)
Bit 1 ~ Bit 5 : reserved
Bit 6 : on/off
Bit 7~Bit23 : reserved
Bit 24~Bit31 : Threshold Value (T) :
If Pixel difference value > Threshold Value, then replace near pixel average
Write only
Before Snow noise image
After Snow noise removal