Lamp voltage interface – UVPS Lamp Voltage Interface B003-001 User Manual
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Lamp Voltage Interface™
Installation and Operation Instructions
Model No. B003-001
3. As volt level directly corresponds to lamp
performance, the meter’s readout will provide a
ready indicator of how the lamp is working.
a. To set a baseline for lamp performance, note
in your production log the volt level after a
new lamp achieves peak power following
start-up. This is your baseline figure.
b. Since a lamp’s energy usage will fluctuate
during its life span, measure the volt
readings against the baseline figure
regularly. As lamp cooling and degradation
will reduce energy consumption and,
therefore, lamp effectiveness, the LVI™
will help guard against under-curing by
monitoring voltage constantly during the
production cycle.
LIMITED WARRANTY. This product is warranted by Con-Trol-Cure
only to purchasers use in business or original
equipment manufacture, against defects in workmanship or materials under normal use for one year after date of purchase from
Con-Trol-Cure, unless otherwise stated in purchase agreement. Any part which is determined by Con-Trol-Cure to be defective
in materials or workmanship and returned to Con-Trol-Cure or authorized service location, as Con-Trol-Cure designates, shipping
costs prepaid, will be, as the exclusive remedy, repaired or replaced, at Con-Trol-Cure's option.
DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTY. Con-Trol-Cure has made a diligent effort to illustrate and describe the Lamp Volt Interface
in it's product literature; however, such illustrations and descriptions are for the sole purpose of identification, and do not express
or imply a warranty that the product is merchantable, or fit for a particular purpose, or that the product will necessarily conform to
the illustrations or descriptions. No warranty or affirmation of fact, express or implied, other that as set forth in the limited
warranty statement above is made or authorized by Con-Trol-Cure.
LIMITATION OF LIABILITY. Any liability for consequential and incidental damages is expressly disclaimed. Con-Trol-
Cure's liability in all events is limited to, and shall not exceed, the purchase price paid.
PRODUCT SUITABILITY. Many countries, states, and localities have codes and regulations governing sales, construction,
installation, and/or use of products for certain purposes, which may vary from those in neighboring areas. While Con-Trol-Cure
attempts to assure that is products comply with such codes, it cannot guarantee compliance, and cannot be responsible for how the
product is installed or used. Before purchase and use of a product, please review the product application, and national and local
codes and regulations, and be sure that the product, installation, and use will comply with them.
The entire risk arising out of the use or performance of this program and documentation remains with you. In no event will Con-
Trol-Cure be liable for any lost profits, lost savings, incidental or direct damages or other economic consequential damages, even
if Con-Trol-Cure
or its authorized agents have been advised of the possibility of such damages. In addition, Con-Trol-Cure, and
its suppliers will not be liable for any damages claimed by you based on any third party claim.
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. All Rights Reserved.
1229 W. Cortland Street / Chicago, IL 60614 USA / Phone: 773-248-0099 / Fax: 773-880-6647 /