Quickstart guide – Ultra electronic Magicard Rio 2E User Manual

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Please read all of these instructions before using your printer. Observe the markings
on the rear panel of the printer.

To prevent electric shock do not remove covers.

Do not attempt to service the printer yourself.

There are no user serviceable parts inside. In the event of malfunction, refer
servicing to your nearest Ultra Electronics Service Center.

Use only a power source within the limits marked on the rear panel label.

Take care not to spill any liquid on the printer.

Ensure that the power supply cord is not longer than 6 feet (2 metres) and
includes a properly grounded connection.

If using this printer in Germany:
To provide adequate short - c i rcuit protection and over- c u rrent protection for this
p r i n t e r, the building installation must be protected by a 16 Amp circuit bre a k e r.
Bei Anschluß des Druckers an die Stro m v e r s o rgung muß sichergestellt werden,
daß die Gebäudeinstallation mit einem 16-AÜberstromschalter abgesichert ist.

Warnings, Cautions and Notes
Throughout this guide and in text on the CD, the following conventions are
used to identify important information.

WARNING - Wa rning messages indicate where personal injury could re s u l t
f rom not following the correct pro c e d u re s .

CAUTION - Caution messages indicate where damage to equipment could
result from not following the correct procedures.

NOTE - Notes convey important information that is identified within the text.

When Handling the Printer
Avoid touching the thermal printing edge of the thermal printhead. Gre a s e
and contamination will shorten its life.

B e f o re transporting the printer, remove the dye film and card hoppers.
Pack the printer in its original packaging.

If you have a problem with the installation or operation of your Magicard printer,
please first recheck to ensure that you have followed the instructions given in
this guide and on the CD ROM.


The Magicard Rio 2e and Tango 2e are dye-sublimation printers which transfer
color from a dye film or ribbon onto the surface of a PVC printable card.
For best results, use only Magicard dye film.

Dye film and cards are available as follows:-

Rio 2e and Tango 2e

LC1 : YMCKO 5 panel dye film 350 images per roll
(Part No. M9005-751).

LC3 : Monochrome resin black 1,000 images per roll
(Part No. M9005-753).

LC6 : KO 2 panel dyefilm (black and overcoat) 600 images per roll
(Part No. M9005-756).

LC8 : YMCKOK 6 panel dye film 300 images - Tango 2e only -
(Part No. M9005-758).

Range of monochrome ribbons (red, blue, green, gold, silver or white)
1,000 images per roll.

PVC ISO CR80 sized cards. Magnetic stripe, contactless (proximity), smart,
adhesive backed and HoloPatch cards available.


Rio 2e and Tango 2e (Part No. M9005-761)
Using externally fed T-Card plus replaceable cleaning roller.

The Magicard T- C a rd cleaning system is easy to use. Regular cleaning is
essential to keeping your printer in good working condition.


Ultra’s patented HoloKote watermark system is a built-in feature of your
Magicard printer and cannot be copied or bypassed. HoloKote costs absolutely
nothing to use.


The custom key enables you to use your own personal HoloKote watermark.
It can also be used as a printer lock.




For more visible security, try HoloPatch cards. When you print with HoloPatch
cards, one area of the HoloKote security pattern is highlighted by a highly
reflective ‘super-diffuser’ patch, making the logo clearly visible at a distance
and under all lighting conditions.


1) Coverage: Ultra Electronics Ltd Warrants that the MAGICARD printer shipped with this Warranty statement will conform to the manufacturers

specifications and be free from defects in materials or workmanship for a period of 12 months from the date of original purchase by the user, but

there are additional conditions on the printhead Warranty (see paragraph 2).

2) Limited Printhead Warranty: Ultra warrants that, under normal use and service, thermal printheads will

be free from defects in material and workmanship for a period of twelve (12) months from the date of original purchase or for a quantity of 40,000

printed cards, whichever comes first, provided that Ultra-approved card media is utilised. If a Warranty claim is submitted for a defective printhead,

Ultra will have the right to inspect the printhead and samples of the printed and blank ID cards used with it for the purpose of verifying that the

claimed defect has not been caused by non- Ultra approved media, or by foreign particles or substances which have caused chemical or physical

damage. Ultra's decision in any such claims shall be final.

3) Warranty Claims: If the MAGICARD printer proves defective during this period, please contact the Ultra Service Center, at the address and

telephone/fax number given below. The Ultra Service Center personnel may first ask you to carry out certain simple checks to confirm the nature of the

problem, and if a return is appropriate they will give you a Return Authorisation Number and consignment instructions to the appropriate repair center.

Ultra will, at its option, repair or replace the defective parts at no charge to the customer.

4) Warranty Limitations: The Warranty does not apply to MAGICARD printers that have been:

Damaged through physical or electrical mishandling.

Damaged through operation in environments which are outside normal office conditions in terms of corrosive atmosphere, temperature,

humidity, shock or vibration.

Improperly installed or interfaced to other products which may exhibit software problems or expose the MAGICARD to improper voltages or

control signals.

Fitted with dye film rolls from any source other than Ultra Electronics, or have been used to print on anything other than card surfaces which

are approved by Ultra and which will generally be made of PVC, be completely flat, and be free of harmful particles or substances.

Serviced or interfered with by anyone other than an Ultra Authorised Service provider.

5) Shipping: Insurance and shipping costs incurred in sending the MAGICARD printer for Warranty service are the responsibility of the customer.

Whenever possible Ultra Service Centres will use the same class of shipping service selected and paid for by the customer to return the printer.

Return shipping costs from Ultra to the customer will be at Ultra's expense. After obtaining the Return Authorisation Number as described above, the

printer should be securely packed in its original packaging with proof of date of purchase and a note describing the problem and quoting the Return

Authorisation Number. The printer must be sent to the service center address supplied with the Return Authorisation Number by the main service

center. This address may be different to the address listed below, but will generally be closer to you. Please also mark the Return Authorisation

Number on the outside of the shipping carton. All customs duties and taxes, if applicable, are the responsibility of the customer.

6) Applicability: The Warranty and remedy provided above are exclusive and in lieu of all other warrants, either express or implied, including but not

limited to, implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. Any statements or representations made by any other person or

firm are void. Neither Ultra Electronics Ltd nor its affiliates shall be liable for any loss, inconvenience, or damage, including direct, special, incidental,

or consequential damages, resulting from the use or inability to use the Ultra product, whether resulting from breach of Warranty or other legal theory

even if Ultra has been advised of the possibility of such damage or loss.

This Warranty is governed by the laws of England. Any dispute arising out of or relating to this Warranty shall be submitted for arbitration of this

dispute or disputes pursuant to the rules and regulations of the UK Arbitration Act. This Warranty gives you specific legal rights, and you may also

have other legal rights which vary from country to country so the above limitations and exclusions may not apply to all customers.


UltraCoverPlus Extended Wa rranty & Loaner Serv i c e

Ultra will

Replace a failed printhead without charge whatever the cause of failure (provided
Ultra consumables have been used exclusively).

Repair a failed printer without charge.

Provide a loan unit on request to replace a printer returned for repair.

Pay for all shipments to the customer.

You must

Keep this warranty information in a safe place.

Contact the service line above if you have a problem.

Promptly ship to Ultra:


A failed printhead for replacement.


A failed printer for repair.


A loan printer when your unit is returned.


Pay for all shipments to Ultra.

Making a Claim

If your product is exhibiting a problem and is covered by UltraCoverPlus, FIRST contact our website

for troubleshooting. The ‘phone number is listed below.


If Technical Support cannot solve the problem and your product is defective, a Manufacturer’s Return
Authorisation Number (MRAN) will be issued to you.Please have the product’s model and serial
number ready for warranty verification. (See label on the rear of the printer).


Once is has been verified that you product is covered by UltraCoverPlus, please ensure the consignment
a d d ress is forw a rded before 1pm so that there is no delay in shipment of a loan printer if re q u i re d .


On receipt of the loan unit, please ship the defective product to your Magicard Service Center
p romptly to avoid rental charges for the loan unit. Retain all necessary items for your with the loan unit.


The product should be securely packed in its original packaging with a description of the problem and
quoting the MRAN number. Please also mark the MRAN number on the outside of the shipping cart o n .


If your defective unit is not receiver within one week of the loan machine being dispatched from Ultra,
a rental charge will apply.


Once your product has been repaired it will be shipped back to you. On receipt, please return the loan
unit promptly. After a period of one week, unless agreed in writing by Ultra, a rental charge will
become payable.


Insurance and shipping costs incurred in sending the original product for service and re t u rning the loan
u n i t a re the responsibility of the customer. Ultra will pay freight costs to ship the loan unit out and to
re t u rn the re p a i red item. If your printer is not covered by UltraCoverPlus, it may still be covered by
our standard 12 month warranty.

If you purchased your Magicard printer in North America or the EU, you should be
covered by our


three year UltraCoverPlus extended warranty and loaner

program. Outside of these territories our standard one year limited warranty
applies (See below).


Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Statement

This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device,
pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection
against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses and can
radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions,
may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that
interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful
interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment
off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the
following measures:

Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.

Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.

Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the
receiver is connected.

Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.

Canadian Department of Communications Statement

This Class B digital apparatus meets the requirements of the Canadian
Interference-Causing Equipment Regulations.

Cet appareil numérique de la Classe B respecte toutes les exigences du Reglement
sur le Materiel Brouilleur du Canada.

EU Declaration of Conformity

The EU Directives covered by this Declaration
89/336/EEC Electromagnetic Compatibility Directive,
amended by 92/31/EEC & 93/68/EEC
72/23/EEC Low Voltage Equipment Directive, amended
by 93/68/EEC
The Product Covered by this Declaration
Magicard Rio 2/Tango 2 Card Printer
The Basis on which Conformity is being Declared
The product identified above complies with the requirements of the above EU
Directives by meeting the following standards
EN 55022:1998+A1:2000 - Information technology equipment – Radio disturbance characteristics
– Limits and methods of measurement
EN61000-3-2:2000 – Limits for harmonic emissions
EN61000-3-3:1995+A1:2001 – Limitation of voltage fluctuations and flicker in LV supply systems.
EN 55024:1998+A1:2001+A2:2003 – Information technology equipment – Immunity
characteristics – Limits and methods of measurement.
BS EN 60 950-1: 2001 - Safety of Information technology Equipment Including Business

The technical documentation required to demonstrate that the product meets the requirements of
the Low Voltage Directive has been compiled and is available for inspection by the relevant
enforcement authorities.


This guide is to assist you with the set-up and use of your Rio 2e or
Tango 2e ID c a rd printer.

The information contained in this guide is subject to change without notice.
Ultra Electronics Limited shall not be liable for errors contained herein or for
incidental or consequential damages in connection with the furn i s h i n g ,
p e rf o rmance or use of this material.

This document contains proprietary information belonging to Ultra Electronics
Limited and may not wholly or partially be copied, stored in a data retrieval
system, disclosed to third parties or used for any purpose other than that for
which is was supplied, without the express written authority of Ultra
Electronics Limited. All rights are reserved.



is registered as a trademark with the United States Patent and

Trademark Office, Reg. No. 2,197,276.

The HoloKote


f e a t u re of Magicard


printers is protected by US PATENT No:

5,990,918 and by European PATENT SPECIFICATION EP 0 817 726 B1.

Microsoft and Windows are trademarks of Microsoft Corporation.

©Copyright 2007 Ultra Electronics Limited.




Tango 2e







Free 3-year warranty

in North America and EU only




(425) 556 9708

Ultra Electronics Inc.
MAGICARD US Service Center
6711 - 176th Avenue NE
Redmond, WA 98052, USA
Fax: (425) 556 3962



+44 (0)1305 762 115

Ultra Electronics Limited
MAGICARD Service Centre
Waverley House, Hampshire Road, Granby Estate
Weymouth, Dorset, DT4 9XD, UK
Fax: +44 (0) 1305 777 904

If you have warranty enquiries or
experience a problem, visit our

for support

or call our service center:

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This manual is related to the following products: