Message functions – Ultratec INTELE-MODEM User Manual
Page 16

I–Hi sensitivity (The default is Hi
Sensitivity Off)
This command controls the
Intele–Modem’s E.A.R.S. (Enhanced
Acoustic Reception System™) feature.
It has two settings: Hi Sensitivity On
and Hi Sensitivity Off. It only applies
to Baudot communication. It has no
effect in ASCII mode.
Hi Sensitivity Off–This is the normal
setting for TTY conversations.
Hi Sensitivity On–This setting turns
on Hi Sensitivity, which improves TTY
conversations when you have a weak
telephone connection or other TTY that
is out of tune.
C–Current communication settings
This command displays the Communi-
cation Settings section of the help
menu. When you type C Command,
you’ll see the listing shown below. The
current settings are in parentheses.
Q–Quit to ‘AT’ command mode
This command quits the Intele–Menu
command set. You can re-enter by
pressing the Escape Key.
1–Communication code (AUTOMATIC)
2–BAUDOT speed
3–ASCII speed
F–Full/Half Duplex
I–Hi sensitivity
Typing C at the
Command Line
displays all of the
Message Functions __________________________________________
Message Functions allow you to type and store a message and send it later. Note that
there are two separate message areas. The Message Functions area is for a message you
want to save and send later. The Auto-Answer message area contains a completely
different message. Any message you save in either area is kept as long as the modem is
on. When you turn off the power, messages are erased.
N–Enter new message
When you type N at the Command
Prompt you’ll see:
Enter new message (Y/N)
Typing Y for Yes allows you to enter a
new message. Typing N for No returns
you to the Command Line and
preserves any message you’ve already
saved. You’ll see the following prompt
when you answer yes:
Enter new text message ... Press
ESC to end message
Your message can be up to 240
characters long. Press the Escape Key
when you’re finished. You’ll see the
following prompt:
--------- (# chars) ----------
(# chars) is the number of characters in
your message.
L–List message (0 chars)
This displays the message on the
screen. When you save a message, (0
chars) will change to the number of
characters in the message.
S–Send message
Send your message at any time during
a conversation by pressing the Escape
Key (to enter command mode) and
then typing the S Key. It doesn’t
matter whether you’re using Baudot or
ASCII code.