5) condensation, 6) vent terminal (pipe and vent cap), Horizontal vent terminal clearances – Thomas & Betts RGM 405 User Manual
Page 11

Mfg No. 164771, Page 11
5) Condensation
Any length of single-wall vent pipe exposed to cold air or run
through an unheated area or an area with an ambient temperature
of 45°F or less must be insulated along its entire length with a
minimum of 1/2" foil-faced fiberglass, 1-1/2# density insulation.
Where extreme conditions are anticipated, install a means of con-
densate disposal.
6) Vent Terminal (Pipe and Vent Cap)
The vent system must be terminated with the type of vent cap
approved for use with this heater. The vent cap must be the same
size as the vent pipe. Use either a vent cap available from the
Roof or Building Overhang
3 (1M) minimum
6 (2M)
Parapet or
Adjoining Building
Approved clearance
thimble for single-wall
vent pipe is required
when flue pipe extends
through combustible
Note position of vent
cap openings.
Pitch flue pipe down toward outlet
1/4 per foot for condensate drainage.
(NOTE: Applies to entire horizontal
vent run.)
Adjoining Building
Parapet or
Roof or Building Overhang
6 (2M)
3 (1M) minimum
Approved clearance
thimble for single-wall
vent pipe is required
when flue pipe extends
through combustible
materials. Follow
the requirements
of the double-wall
pipe manufacturer.
Pitch flue pipe down toward
outlet 1/4 per foot for con-
densate drainage.
(NOTE: Applies to entire
horizontal vent run.)
Note position of
vent cap openings.
6 (152mm) minimum
Follow instructions on page 10 to join single
and double-wall pipe and to seal the connection.
Figure 8 - Horizontal Vent Terminals
Single-Wall Vent
Run and Single-
Wall Terminal
Vent Run
and Double-
Horizontal Vent Terminal Clearances
Minimum Clearances for Vent Termination
Location (all directions unless specified)
Forced air inlet within 10 ft (3.1m)
3 ft (0.9m) above
Combustion air inlet of another appliance
6 ft (1.8m)
Door, window, or gravity air inlet
4 ft (1.2m) horizontally
(any building opening)
4 ft (1.2m) below
1 ft (30cm) above
Electric meter, gas meter* and relief
4 ft (1.2m)
*Do not terminate the vent
directly above a gas meter
Gas regulator*
3 ft (0.9m)
or service regulator.
Adjoining building or parapet
6 ft (1.8m)
Adjacent public walkways
7 ft (2.1m) above
Grade (ground level)
7 ft (2.1m) above
heater manufacturer (Option CC1) or a field-supplied cap. If the vent cap is
field-supplied, use a Type L Breidert Air-x-hauster
or equivalent vent cap.
(Type L Air-x-hauster
is a trademark of The G. C. Breidert Company.) Use
of a vent cap supplied by the pipe manufacturer is not permitted; the vent
cap must be the type approved for use with this heater. A different style
vent cap could cause nuisance problems or unsafe conditions.
See the illustrations in Figures 9A and 9B for requirements of vertical and
horizontal vent termination. The vent terminal pipe may be either single-
wall or double-wall (Type B). If double-wall pipe is used in the vent termi-
nal with a single-wall vent run, follow the instructions on page 10 to attach
the vent cap and to connect the double-wall pipe to the single-wall vent pipe
A vent cap is required. Maintain a clearance
of 12" from the wall to the vent terminal cap
for stability under wind conditions.
Products of combustion can cause discolora-
tion of some building finishes and deteriora-
tion of masonry materials. Applying a clear
silicone sealant that is normally used to pro-
tect concrete driveways can protect masonry
materials. If discoloration is an esthetic prob-
lem, relocate the vent or install a vertical vent.
6 (2M) minimum
6 (2M) minimum
Approved clearance thimble
for single-wall vent pipe is
required when flue pipe
extends through
combustible materials.
Parapet or Adjoining Building
Vertical flue extension to
be 6 (152mm) higher than
anticipated snow depth but
no less than 2 feet (610mm)
above the roof.
Vertical pipe extension
must be insulated.
Roof Flashing
Roof - pitched
from 0 to 45°
Vertical flue extension
to be 6 (152mm) higher
than anticipated snow
depth but no less than
2 feet (610mm) above the
6 (152mm) minimum
Roof Flashing
Roof - pitched
from 0 to 45°
Approved clearance thimble
for single-wall vent pipe is
required when flue pipe extends
through combustible materials.
Follow the requirements of the
double-wall pipe manufacturer.
Follow instructions on page 10
to join single and double-wall
pipe and to seal the connection.
Parapet or Adjoining Building
Figure 9 - Vertical Vent Terminals
Single-Wall Vent
Run and Single-
Wall Terminal
Single-Wall Vent
Run and Double-
Wall Terminal