TC electronic SDN BHD Konnekt 24D User Manual
Intelligent i/o - integrated f/x, Not just another audio interface

Intelligent I/O - Integrated F/X
Not Just Another Audio Interface
Konnekt 24D is a ground breaking audio interface that integrates TC’s world famous
effects in a state-of-the-art design. The Fabrik C channel strip and Fabrik R reverb
known from TC’s PowerCore platform are built into the Konnekt 24D and they work
even when the unit is used in stand-alone mode. Konnekt 24D is designed for recording
and performing musicians who want the highest possible sound quality from input,
through built-in real-time effects, to the recording application.
Two combo inputs on the front panel combine outstanding mic preamp quality with
true Hi-Z inputs. The light ring gives you easy access, instant control and visual feed-
back on important parameters directly from the front panel. You can stack up to four
Konnekts together using TC NEAR™ - Network Expandable Audio Recording - to obtain
a massive amount of I/O and effects channels. If you are working with active monitors,
you’ll be delighted with the analog volume control that ensures a wide dynamic range.
If you don’t need all the I/O or the DSP effects, choose Konnekt 8, which is a non-DSP
version of Konnekt 24D with less I/O.
T C E l E C T r o n i C A / S D E n m A r k •
+ 4 5 8 7 4 2 7 0 0 0
T C E l E C T r o n i C i n C U S A •
( 8 1 8 ) 6 6 5 4 9 0 0 • m A i l : i n f o @ T C E l E C T r o n i C . C o m
w w w . t c e l e c t r o n i c . c o m