Tiger OttoBot PMS280C User Manual

Page 10

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(Quick launch code - Blue/ blue/ blue)


loves jokes and is happy to share them with you or other


He’ll tell you as many as you want or respond back

and forth having loads of laughs with any other Ottobots in
the room.

1) Ottobot will begin his joke and wait for you to press his hand before

continuing on to the next part. For Knock-Knock jokes, answer “Who’s
there?” before pressing his hand to continue.

2) After the joke Ottobot will ask if you would like to hear another. Press

his left hand for Yes and his right hand for No for as many jokes as
you wish to hear.

3) Ottobot will learn new jokes as you play with him and he grows older.

But he loves all of his jokes so may repeat them. This may also help
you to remember and share your favorite jokes with other friends.


(Quick launch code - Yellow/ green/ blue)


also has many tricky riddles to share. Can you figure

them out? Don’t worry, if not he’ll let you in on the answer.
Challenging fun that will make you laugh!

1) Ottobot will begin his riddle and wait for you to press his hand before

revealing the solution. If you aren’t able to figure it out in time he will
let you in on the answer.

2) After the riddle Ottobot will ask if you would like to hear another.

Press his Left hand for Yes and his right hand for No for as many
riddles as you wish to hear.

3) Ottobot will learn new riddles as you play with him and he grows older.

But the riddles are tricky and it helps to hear them more than once.
Try to remember them and quiz your friends.

Ask Ottobot

(Quick launch code - Left hand/right hand/left hand/right hand)


is all-knowing and can answer your yes or no questions on

all manners of subjects. Ask away, but Ottobot is not responsible
for answers you don’t like. He is merely a conduit of wisdom, your
destiny is up to you.

1) Ottobot will prompt you to ask your question. You may ask your

question silently or out loud, but press Ottobot’s hand when you are
ready for his answer.

2) Remember to ask specific questions as Ottobot will only answer “yes”,

no”, “maybe” or “ask again later”.

3) After he has answered, Ottobot will ask if you have another question.

Ask as many as you wish, pressing his Left hand for Yes and his right
hand for No.

4) Ask Ottobot is very revealing to questions you have pondered or great

fun with friends when questions are spoken aloud.


(Quick launch code - Left hand/left hand/right hand/right hand)


loves to hum and dance. He will dance by himself, with

other Ottobots or you by squeezing his hands in the direction you
wish to go.

1) Dancing is fun with Ottobot. When he asks you to dance you may squeeze

his hands to dance with him or wait and he will dance by himself.

2) If you wish to dance with him, press Ottobot’s hands to direct him which

way to go. Press both hands to move forwards and back and one at a
time to dance left or right.

3) If there are any other Ottobots nearby they will dance together and

mimic each other’s dancing.

4) Dancing is fun with friends and the more the merrier.