10 group scan operation, 1 adding groups to a scan list, 2 deleting groups from a scan list – Tyco Electronics M7300 Series User Manual
Page 66

Only Groups that are part of the radio's scan list will be scanned. Groups are added to the scan list on a
per system basis through programming, the radio keypad, or both, dependent upon programming. This
scan list can be changed by the user from the keypad unless programmed otherwise. Each system's group
scan list is retained in memory when the radio is turned off. The M7300 Series mobile radio can also be
programmed to provide Trunked Priority Group Scan capability, which operates similar to priority scan in
Conventional mode.
The following is a description of programmable scan features that should be helpful in understanding the
Group Scan Operation of the radio:
Scan Hang Time - the delay time the radio waits before resuming scan after the push-to-talk is released
or after the carrier has dropped a channel.
TX Select - the group the radio will transmit on while scanning. The radio is programmed to transmit on
either the scanned group or the selected group.
Scan List (privileges) - this feature allows or prohibits scan list changes by the user.
P1 Programming - priority group programming is accomplished by one (and only one) of three methods:
From the keypad, where the Priority programming is not fixed and does not follow the selected
Priority 1 group programming follows the selected channel, or
Priority 1 group programming is fixed during PC programming and cannot be changed by the user.
P1 Always Scan - determines if the Priority 1 Group will always be scanned, regardless of the scan state
set by the user.
9.10.1 Adding Groups to a Scan List
1. With scan operation turned off, select the desired group to add to the selected Trunked system group
scan list.
2. Press (
+) or (-) with
to display the current priority status of the group on line 1 for a time-out
3. While the status is displayed, press (
+) with
to add the group to the scan list.
is displayed.
4. Press (
+) with
a second time to set the group to Priority 2.
is displayed.
5. Press (
+) with
a third time to set the group to Priority 1.
is displayed in column 1, line 1.
The priority level selection sequence only advances the group to the next higher priority level and
stops at priority level 1. To select a lower priority level, the group must be deleted from the scan list
and then added back to the scan list. Each new group added to the scan list starts at the lowest
priority. If the Priority 1 and Priority 2 groups are already set and a new group is assigned as Priority
1 or Priority 2, the previously assigned group will change to non-priority scanning.
9.10.2 Deleting Groups from a Scan List
1. With scan operation turned off, select the desired group to delete from the selected trunked system's
group scan list.