7 gps option, 8 front panel, 9 m803 rear panel – Tyco Electronics MM102014V1 User Manual

Page 13: Gps option, Front panel, M-803 rear panel, Figure 3-2: m-803 and ch-103/103pa front panel, 9 m-803 rear panel

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MM102014V1, Rev. G



The radio can be equipped with an optional Global Positioning System (GPS) receiver. Utilized with a
micro-patch antenna, this option allows the user to track his/her coordinates and report these to central
dispatch when within range of an OpenSky network. See page 48 for additional information.


The front panel provides the interface for the operator. It includes a 19-character (8 over 11) vacuum
fluorescent display, navigation and select buttons for menu navigation, three pre-set buttons, a power
button/rotary volume control knob, a microphone connector, and an emergency button. The front panel of
the dash-mounted M-803 mobile radio is identical to the front panel of the CH-103 control head utilized
in remote/trunk-mounted M-803 and V-TAC radio installations.

In addition, the front panel contains a light-level sensor that samples ambient light levels for automatic
display and button backlight brightness adjustments. In other words, it automatically brightens the display
and backlights when higher external light levels exist and it automatically dims the display and backlights
during lower external light levels.

Figure 3-2: M-803 and CH-103/103PA Front Panel

3.9 M-803 REAR PANEL

The M-803 rear panel is shown in Figure 3-3. It contains most of the radio’s cable connections. The DC
power connector accepts vehicle battery power to power the radio and an ignition/accessory control sense
input. The I/O connector contains the speaker output connections and optional connections, including
NMEA-formatted GPS output data if the optional GPS receiver is installed in the radio. A serial port is
provided for connection to a standard serial (DTE-type) device such as a mobile data terminal. An
antenna port connection is also available for connecting a GPS antenna if the optional GPS receiver is
installed in the radio. If not, a nylon plug is inserted into this hole. Connection to a CAN


device such as

the CH-103 control head, is made through the 3-pin CAN connector.


Controller Area Network—a type of digital interface used to transfer control data and digitized voice data between the

mobile radio and control head(s) connected to it.