Tesla TI2000GPU-24 User Manual
Page 34

120-240 VAC Charger and AC to DC Converter Limits, 3-4
24 VDC Ground Power (NO 120 or 240 VAC Power Supply) Engine Starting
or DC system Power, 4-6
24 VDC Ground Power (With 120/240 VAC Power) System High Power Demand
(21-1500 Amps) or Engine Starting, 4-7
28.5 VDC Ground Power (with 120/240 VAC Power) System Low Power De-
mand (20 Amps or less), 4-8
Abbreviations, 1-5
AC Power Cord Limits, 3-5
After Use, 6-2
Appendix A Line Cord Table
Before Operation Check, 4-5
Continuous Output Rate, 28.5 VDC Constant Output, 3-8
Data Basis, 5-3
DC Functional Check, 4-12
Definitions of Abbreviations, 5-6
Dimensions, Figure 2-1
Discharge Load Curve, Figure 5-2
Description 1-3
Engine Starting Power, 3-9
Environmental, 3-11
Functional Check Procedures, 4-10
Forms and Records, 1-6
General, Chapter 1, 1-1
General, Chapter 2, 2-1
General, Chapter 3, 3-2
General, Chapter 4, 4-1
General, Chapter 5, 5-2
General, Chapter 6, 6-1
General Conditions, 5-5
General Details, Figure 2-2
General Specifications, 2-2