Tasco 1575 User Manual
Page 100

Loaded with great precision parts. We think these
were made for higher end laser printers, but not cer-
tain. Includes a Laser polygon mirror/motor assembly
with driver board, laser diode with driver board, two
beautiful front surface mirrors, two coated precision
lenses and other parts. One of the mirrors is 250mm
long by 14mm wide by 8mm thick. The other is 160mm
by 10mm by 8mm thick. Mirror/motor is six sided. Both lenses appear to
be cylinder lenses (which makes sense as cylinder lenses can transform a
point of light into a line image). One is 100mm long by 10mm wide by 15mm
high at its peak and has a positive focal length of 180mm. The other appears
to have 0 focal length and is meniscus style 50mm long by 10mm wide by
10mm thick. Just one cylinder lens this size alone would cost you much
more than our price for this entire assembly. If you can figure out which
printer this was made for, you should buy them all as we see similar units
selling for over $175 on sale. Unused.
M2521 $28.50
These are great. Regular ball point pen
size fits in shirt pocket or purse. One
side is a standard ball point pen and the
other side is a strong red (650nm) laser
for pointing or collimating applications
and a regular blue light to see your car door lock in the
dark. Batteries are installed and a spare set of batter-
ies included. This is something you can carry around with
you at all times instead of just a regular pen and you'll
be prepared. Two momentary switches on the side to
operate the laser beam and blue light. New.
M2524 $9.95
Here's a mix of 1 inch length shrink tuning with differ-
ent diameters.
M2534 $5.00
Page 98 - Miscellaneous
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