TANDBERG D4068 User Manual

Movi for ibm lotus same- time

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Movi for

IBM Lotus Same-


Installation Manual

Getting Started

D4068 Rev.4

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With Movi for IBM Lotus Sametime users can enjoy both point to

point and multipoint video through their IBM Lotus Sametime client.

Video calls can be made from the IBM Lotus Samtime client to

other Sametime users, and also to meeting rooms with video appli-


Movi for Sametime uses TMS for multipoint video calls to integrate

the enterprises’ videoconferencing infrastructure with IBM’s most

powerful instant messenger application.

Please see


for more informa-

tion about IBM Lotus Sametime.

Functional Overview

The components to be installed on the Sametime server will inte-

grate TANDBERGs Movi client in to the Sametime Connect clients.

When enabled users can simply select a buddy, and press the icon

for starting a video chat.

TANDBERG Movi for Sametime supports both point to point and

multipoint conferences. It is also possible to dial into video meeting

rooms hosted on appliances available in these rooms.