Teledyne HASTINGS 200 User Manual
Page 5

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Hastings Mass Flowmeters are designed to accurately measure mass flow without corrections or
compensations for gas pressure and temperature. Due to a linear electrical output signal, the flowmeters
are ideal for use with totalizers and recorders. Hastings Mass Flowmeters do not require any periodic
maintenance under normal operating conditions with clean gases. No damage will occur from the use of
moderate overpressures or overflows.
The standard flowmeter calibration is for air. Special calibrations for most other gases such as oxygen,
nitrogen, hydrogen, and carbon monoxide are available on special order, or by use of a gas multiplier.
These instruments are calibrated with air at the factory, then the output is adjusted using gas correction
1.1 Features
1.1 Features
1.1 Features
1.1 Features
1.1 Features
Hastings Fast Response HFM Flowmeters have response times of less than two seconds to 98% of
a 0-100% step change with less than 2% overshoot.
Fast Response HFM Flowmeters are available with a 15-pin “D” connector and are pin for pin
compatible with most other manufacturers’ thermal mass flowmeters with 20-pin connectors.
HFM Models incorporate a removable/replaceable sensor which virtually eliminates long down time
due to clogging, the most common cause of failure in the industry.
Each flowmeter has a shunt which can be quickly and easily adjusted in the field to different ranges,
however, recalibration is normally required.
A 100 micron filter is located upstream of the shunt and sensor to eliminate most of the larger impurities
in the system which tend to plug thermal mass flowmeters.
The Model HFM Flowmeter comes in 15 standard ranges from 0-10 SCCM to 0-500 SLPM. Special
ranges are available upon request.
Model HFM Flowmeters are constructed of 300 series stainless steel. Viton is standard for O-rings &
seals. Neoprene and Kalrez are available upon request, for use with corrosive gases.
1.2 Specifications
1.2 Specifications
1.2 Specifications
1.2 Specifications
1.2 Specifications
Response Time .......................................................... (to 98% of 0-100% step change)Less than 2 seconds
Accuracy & Linearity .................................................................................................................
1% (F.S.)
Repeatability ..........................................................................................................................
0.2% (F.S.)
Std. Pressure Rating ...................................................................................................................... 500 psig
High Pressure Option ....................................................................... 1000 psig (proof tested to 1500 psig)
Pressure Coefficient ........................................................................................... (0-500 psig N
) 0.01%/psi
Leak Integrity ................................................................................................................................ 10
Temperature Coefficient of Span ........................................................................................... <0.1% per
Power ........................................................................................................................
15 VDC @
Flow Signal ................................................................................................. 0-5.00 VDC (inherently linear)
Wetted Material ............................................................................ 316 SS, Viton Seals, Gold/ Nickle Braze
Connector ................................................................................................................... 15 pin D connector
FittingsHFM-229, ............................................................................................................ 1/4" Swagelok
HFM-230, 1/2" Swagelok
Weight (approx)HFM-229, ............................................................................................................. 1.8 lbs.
HFM-230, 3.3 lbs.