Buttons in the trip planner window – TravRoute CoPilot 2002 User Manual

Page 52

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Buttons in the Trip Planner Window:

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Label Cities and Places:

Allows you to label or

unlabel cities within your


Add Custom Places:

Allows you to label specific

places on the map and save

them in your Points of

Interest database (map detail

level must be at least 7.)

Edit Streets: Lets you

change street restrictions to

make them one way, two

way, or blocked off entirely.

Zoom to Stop: Zooms your

map view to the stop that is

highlighted on the Trip


Delete Stop: Removes the

highlighted stop from your


Clear: Clears all stops

entered in the Trip Planner

window to enable a new trip

to be entered.

Optimize: Click this button

to reorder the stops in the

Itinerary for the most

efficient route (requires at

least one stop).

Pick Stops: Allows you to

pick stops directly from the

map and add them to your

trip Itinerary.

Label Roads: Lets you

determine whether individual

roads on the map will be

shown with or without


Scroll Up/Down: Moves the

currently highlighted stop up

or down in the Trip Itinerary.

Add Fav: Adds the

highlighted stop to your list

of favorite places once it has

been entered into the Trip


Options: Lets you change

your trip type, travel speed,

and roads which you want to

favor or avoid.