Tritec Industrial AGDSE-TSTU2 User Manual
Tristation u2 series, The next ultrasparc™ generation

Electronic AG
DSe-TSTU2 • 01.02.99 • V 2.2
TriStation U2: The best trends of UltraComputing™
The next generation of the TRITEC’s successful
UltraSPARC™ systems provide a flexible and scalable
enterprise resource that is easily adaptable to meet your
dynamically changing organizational needs.
TRITEC U2 models help to create an open, high-perfor-
mance environment capable of solving a variety of
today’s technical and commercial problems.
The concept behind the TRITEC U2 family is simple –
combine the strengths of time-proven, high-perfor-
mance symmetric multiprocessing (SMP) with the per-
formance and system resource scalability potential that
can be achieved through a parallel architecture. The
result is a robust, high-performance architecture that
enables highly parallel processing.
With a combination of exceptional processor speed,
high-bandwidth networking, accelerated graphics, and
outstanding application performance, the TriStation U2
from TRITEC introduces a new area of computing. This
is not achieved by upgrading one component such as
the microprocessor. It is a function of the whole system:
the processor, the data paths, the graphics subsystem,
the external interfaces, the networking capabilities, the
The TriStation U2 architecture answers the four major
challenges of desktop computing today: computational
performance, visual computing, fast networking, and
network-based software.
The best trends in computing come together in
TRITEC’s powerful TriStation U2
TRITEC’s TriStation U2 feature highly accelerated
graphics, imaging, and multimedia technologies, and
built-in 100 MBit/sec Fast Ethernet networking. All at a
very affordable price.
For everything from research, development, and design
to your most demanding business applications,
TRITEC’s TriStation U2 systems give you all the ad-
vanced features you need to improve not only the
speed, but also the quality of your work.
In fact, the TriStation U2 gives you a performance that,
until now, was only available on systems costing much
more. Which means it’s now possible to put
supercomputer power on every desktop, allowing new
levels of application performance and interactivity with
everyone on your network.
Computational Performance
At the heart of these new systems is the 64-bit
UltraSPARC™ microprocessor. Once again demonstrat-
ing the incredible scalability of the SPARC™ architec-
ture, the new chip combines high processor speeds
with an efficient four-way superscalar design for un-
precedented desktop performance. Its nine-stage pipe-
line can issue up to four instructions per cycle.
And the UltraSPARC™ processor’s revolutionary Visual
Instruction Set (VIS™) – the industry’s most flexible and
comprehensive array of on-chip multimedia, graphics,
and imaging technologies – delivers the new era of digi-
tal multimedia right to your desktop.
TriStation U2 Series
The Next UltraSPARC™ Generation
Multiprocessor technique
Upgradeable CPU-Modules
up to 400 MHz
Ultra™ Port Architecture delivers
throughput up to 2.6 GByte/sec
Built-in Fast-Wide SCSI-2
100% operating system & software com-
patible to the original Sun Ultra™ series