Judaica – Toshiba Camera/ Camcorder User Manual

Page 12

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70 Faces - Blue Fringe CD
2,700 Points

Miami Boys Choir - Revach
2,700 Points

Ruach Vniyiyeh Mi Adir Riboinoi V’ohavta
L’reacha Komoicha Yofe Yechadsheihu
Lift Up Your Candle Shira Mimkoimcha
Hashkiveinu Ken

Sameach at the
2 [CD]
2,700 Points

Tipol Aleihem - Dedi Ki Ya’akov - Shloime Dachs K’Sheim - Avraham
Fried Vahavieinu - Michoel Pruzansky Agudo - Abish Brodt Ma Shehoyo
- Ohad V’zakeinu - Yeedle Tov L’hodos - MBD Simon Tov - Avraham
Fried Chedvas - Regesh Ham’nagein - Shlomo Simcha Dovid Melech
- Yehuda Mi She’omar - Lipa Shmelczer Lev Tahor - Lev Tahor Ma
Yisron - Avraham Fried L’cho Dodi - Eli Gerstner Ein Aroch - DoviDovid
Nachamu - Shlomo Carlebach Tov - Ophie Nat Yosis - Menucha Korov
Hashem - Yerachmiel Begun and the Miami Boys Choir Asher Boro -
Piamenta Asei - Emes Niggun Neshama - Carlebach Hu K’lol - Yisroel
Williger Dido Bei - Avraham Fried Hinei Keil - MBD Y’hi Hachodesh
- Dedi Tzadik - Diaspora Yeshiva Band Hu Yiftach - Yaakov Shweckey
Hu Yiftach - Bsamim Moshiach - Mendy Wald Ani Ma’amin - Amudei
Shaish Boys Choir Moshiach - MBD

Yosef Karduner -
Bakesh Avdecha
2,700 Points

Tracks : 1. Ben Poras Yosef 2. Bakesh
Avdecha 3. Bli Yirie Achas 4. Maaseh
Mimatar 5. Nigun 6. Mili Dishtosa 7.
Lev Nishbar 8. Kael Taareg 9. Mah
Lachem L’dag

A History of the Jews
2,800 Points

A national best seller, this brilliant 4,000
year survey covers not only Jewish history
but the impact of Jewish genius and imagi-
nation of the world. By the author of “Modern
Times: The World From the Twenties to the
Eighties.” by Paul Johnson

This Is My G-d
2,800 Points

“There are many Jews who do not observe
their religion, who yet would like to know a
lot more about it. There are non-Jews too,
who now and then grow curious about the
old Hebrew faith. But the literature is so
vast, it is usually scholarly in tone, and so
much of it is not in English, that such read-
ers are often at a stand, not knowing where
to begin. I offer this volume as a beginning.”
- Herman Wouk by Herman Wouk

Hasc Presents:
A Time for Music 18
3,300 Points

Yaakov Shwekey Yeshiva Boys Choir Shlomo
Simcha Srully Williger Baruch Chait and the
Rabbi’s Sons Ohad Piamentas Yossi Green
Boruch Levine Matisyahu Yaron Gershovsky

Charity Box
3,600 Points

Kosher By Design By Susie Fishbein
4,100 Points

This an engaging and elegant new cookbook that delights the senses
as it feeds your soul. Susie Fishbein helps you prepare meals that look
like you’ve spent hours in the kitchen, without the fuss. “I want the cook
to feel like I’m standing in the kitchen, guiding every step,” says Susie.
“Cooking tips, presentation ideas and practical, down-to-earth instruc-
tions make all the difference.” Creative and sumptuous, Kosher By De-
sign shows you how to cook delectable dishes like a pro, and suggests
magnificent table décor to enhance the dining experience for your family
and guests. Spectacular holiday photographs will stimulate entertaining
ideas for all your special occasions. 71/4” x 91/4” page size. More than
250 luscious recipes 120 stunning color photographs Holiday menus
with complementary wine lists of
the newest Kosher wines Tips on
food preparation, table decorations,
floral arrangements and more In-
novative ideas for relaxed, gracious
at-home entertaining Triple-tested
recipes ensure accuracy, ease
of preparation and elegant
presentation Special index indicating
recipes appropriate for Passover
Comprehensive index, easy cross-
referencing Laminated hardcover
with concealed-wire binding, so your
cookbook will last and last!

Kosher Lamp
5,100 Points

Now there’s an easier way to read in bed on
Shabbat! You’ll be able to Direct the light -- Dim
the light – and even “Turn it off!” It’s called
KOSHERLAMP! The patent-pending FADESHADE
technology allows you to direct the light and set
the brightness of your lamp with a simple twist of the shade. You can
even turn it “off” in accordance with the laws of Shabbat. When you
want to go to sleep, the FADESHADE? kosher lamp technology allows
heat to escape safely while blocking virtually all the light … without
turning off the light switch! Approved by major Poskim. Presently KO-
SHERLAMP? is available in the 110V North American version. Get a ko-
sher lamp for every member of the family: Great for shared kids rooms
with different bedtimes. Read to your little ones before tucking them
in. Great for an infant’s room during the night. Have one for a Shabbos
guest sleeping on the sofa. Take one with you when staying in a hotel.
Buy one for your child at Yeshiva or Seminary. Fabulous Bar Mitzvah or
Bat Mitzvah gift. Great Birthday, Engagement or Wedding present.

The Teichman Family
6,000 Points

Did you know that: Rav Yosef Karo was a
young child when Columbus discovered
America? Rembrandt painted a portrait
of the famous Dutch rabbi, Menasseh
Ben Israel, whose family had escaped the
Portuguese Inquisition.

Book of Our Heritage -
3 Volume Gift Boxed Set
8,200 Points

Translator: Bulman, R’ Nachman. This
beloved classic, completely revised and
annotated for the contemporary reader,
explores the holidays, Festivals and fast days
of the Jewish calendar and explains their laws
and customs. Midrashic commentaries and
insights of great Jewish thinkers and spiritual
leaders enhance the heartwarming, inspiring
text. 1,126 pp. by Kitov, Eliyahu

Kiddush Cup
8,700 Points

The weight of this cup
is 77 grams.

Shemirath Shabbath - 3 Volume Set (H/C)
8,800 Points

Applying the laws of Shabbath observance to
the innovations of modern life can be daunting
and confusing. In response to this challenge,
the classic Shemirath Shabbath Kehilchathah
was compiled by Rav Yehoshua Y. Neuwirth.

Kiddush Goblet #5338
9,800 Points

Kiddush Goblet #5338

Challa Board
10,500 Points

Manufactured by Hadad Bros.
Exclusive Silverware Silver

Five Megillos
Slipcased Set

[Slipcased Set]
11,600 Points

The ArtScroll Series presents the
comments of the classic giants
of ancient and contemporary
times in a logical, comprehensible
manner, like a master teacher on
an exciting voyage of intellectual
discovery. Entire Hebrew text
reset in clear modern type Flowing
English translation Commentary
anthologized from 2,000 years of
Talmudic and Rabbinic sources
Overviews exploring the hashka-
fah/philosophical background of
each volume.