Thr u 3x8 – M-AUDIO Thru 3x8 User Manual

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Thr u 3x8


The Thru 3x8 MIDI Thru Box has three independent inputs and 8
independent outputs. Two of the inputs (In A and In B) are on the front
panel and one of the inputs (In C) is on the back panel. All 8 of the
outputs are on the back panel.

Each of the Thru 3x8’s 8 outputs can be individually connected to any
one of the three inputs using the 8, three position dip switches on the
front panel. Each of the three position dip switches are assigned to
one of the outputs and are labeled “a” (far left position), “b” (center
position) and “c” (far right position), corresponding to each of the
inputs. To assign a given output to a specific input, set the desired
output’s front panel slide switch to the desired input. For example, if
you want output 5 to be assigned to input “b” make sure that the #5
output switch on the front panel is set to “b” (the middle position). You
can do this for all 8 of the slide switches.

Thru 3x8 can be used whenever you have a number of different MIDI
devices that need to be routed to different destinations. And because
the unit has front slide switches, this routing can be easily changed
without having to unplug and re-plug MIDI cables.

Also, any MIDI signals received at any of the Thru 3x8’s MIDI ins are
simultaneously sent out all of selected MIDI outs. So the Thru 3x8 can
be used to eliminate any “MIDI delay” you may be experiencing
because of daisy chaining several MIDI devices together.