Tekkeon MP3450I User Manual

Tekkeon Players

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LED turns on when solar panel

is charging myPower ALL Plus

Using the Smart 3-Pin Adapter to Charge


Use Tekkeon’s Smart 3-Pin Adapter to work with smaller solar panels
(lower than 25W) by connecting to the 3-Pin Input port on
MP3450/MP3450i/MP3700. To use the solar panel with this port, the solar
panel must have a minimum open circuit voltage of 15V. However, there
is no minimum output current requirement from the solar panel.

To Charge through the 3-Pin Input Port

1. Connect the Smart 3-Pin Adapter

Bracket on to the end of MP3450/
MP3450i/MP3700 (shown).

2. Connect the 3-Pin end of the Smart

3-Pin Adapter into the 3-Pin Input
port on the MP3450/MP3450i/
MP3700 (shown) and the other end
into the solar panel output port.

3. Verify that the charging indicator next to

the input jack on the Smart 3-Pin Adapter
(shown) turns on to indicate the battery is

4. After approximately four hours, press the Capacity Display button to

view the battery capacity. (For MP3450, set the Voltage Lock to Lock
before pressing the button.) If the capacity does not indicate full (all
green LEDs on), continue to charge the battery until the battery
capacity indicates full.

5. When the battery capacity indicates full, unplug the connected

charging cable.

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