Telex SPS-2001 User Manual
Sps-2001, Power supply, Features line drawing

Power Supply
The SPS-2001 is a versatile power supply that can be used in a variety of Telex Audiocom intercom system applications. It is
ideal for applications where it is desirable to use a master station with a panel mic / speaker combination. The SPS-2001 directly
accepts any AC input power from 100 to 240 VAC, 50/60 Hz, and it can be configured to power two separate intercom channels
or one large intercom channel with twice the intercom station capacity. Additionally, the SPS-2001 can be configured for compat-
ibility with Clear-Com Intercom Systems. The SPS-2001 can be rack mounted or used on a desktop. For rack mounting, optional
hardware is required. For desktop use, four non-marring rubber feet are supplied.
Speaker Inputs and Volume Control
Two audio inputs are provided. The inputs are combined
internally and sent as a monaural signal to the internal
speaker amplifier. The volume control adjusts the level to the
front panel speaker. Typically, these inputs are used with the
speaker outputs of a master station when the master sta-
tion is set for use with a panel mic and speaker instead of a
Combine/Isolate Switch
This recessed push-button switch lets you combine the audio
signals of the two channels to create a single audio channel
where all users can intercommunicate. Or, you can isolate
each channel to create two groups of completely indepen-
dent users.
Channel Status Indicators And Reset Push-Button
The indicators are green for normal operation and red when
there is an overload or short circuit. The reset push-button
restores normal operation after the short-circuit or overload
has been located and fixed.
Universal AC Power Input
The SPS-2001 accepts any input power in the range of 100-
240 VAC, 50/60 Hz.
Intercom Channel Connectors
When the Combine/Isolate switch is set to the Isolate posi-
tion, each channel connector is powered separately and has
completely separate intercom audio. When the Combine/Iso-
late switch is set to the combine position, each channel is
still powered separately, but the audio signals are combined
so that all users on both channels can intercommunicate.
Telex Audiocom / Clear-Com Selector Switch
This selector switch sets the SPS-2001 for compatibility with
either Telex Audiocom (BALANCED) or Clear-Com (UNBAL-
ANCED). Compatibility includes channel connector pin-outs,
channel power requirements, and call signaling require-
ments. The SPS-2001 is shipped with this switch in the Telex
Audiocom position.
Instantaneous Auto-Reset
Instantaneous Auto Reset (IAR), the newest technology in
performance and safety, which uses a revolutionary new
circuitry that dynamically monitors line fault conditions. Then,
when the fault is removed, automatically brings individual
power supply channels up.
Clear-Com Compatible
Line Drawing