TDK DAPS-01 User Manual
Data sheet, Daps-01 dual antenna positioning system

Data Sheet
1101 Cypress Creek Road
Cedar Park, Texas 78613, USA
FAX 1-512-258-0740
Product Overview
The TDK DAPS-01 Dual Antenna Positioning Sys-
tem consists of a dual antenna mast with integrated
turntable and SI-300 system interface. The DAPS-
01 is specifically designed for remote positioning
of two antennas, both in the horizontal and vertical
planes, during EMC testing. The DAPS-01 simpli-
fies testing by allowing the user to test continuously
across two antenna bandwidths without interrup-
Remote Control
The DAPS-01 is remotely con-
trolled by the TDK SI-300 system interface unit. A
single independent control unit is used to handle
the turn axis and the polarization sense.
Fiber Optic Link
Remote control of the position-
ing system is achieved by use of fiber optic links,
eliminating a potential interference source and
distance limitations.
Custom Dimensions
The dimensions of the posi-
tioning system mast and turntable are dependent
on the customer’s required illumination area. Di-
mensions are limited only by the maximum length
of cable that is used.
Compatible with the TDK SI-300 system inter-
Fiber optic interface
Custom dimensions to meet customer require-
Shielded remote modules for use in high field
Universal linear power supply
Remote independent vertical and horizontal
The TDK DAPS-01 Dual Antenna Positioning
System is designed to simply testing by ena-
bling remote positioning of two antennas in
EMC test environments.
Dual Antenna Positioning System