Todos los tamaños caben, Imprimir por la vía rápida – Tektronix Phaser color printer 300X User Manual

Page 3

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ll of us here at Schaad Seed &

Flower are extremely proud to bring

you this years selection of what we

consider our finest seeds yet. For

over 20 years we’ve been breeding

and producing the best flower variet-

ies in the world. W

e have worked

diligently to earn 16 All-America Se-

lections awards and 8 Fleuroselect

medals. These acheivements confirm

the strength of our founding vision:

Through environmentally sound prac-

tices, bring to people around the

world the best seeds to beautify their

gardens and by extention, their lives.

Founded on the cornerstone of cre-

ative research and environmental

awareness, Schaad Seeds is

in the forefront of the flower breed-

ing industry

. Using the most advanced

and environmentally sound tech-

niques, we have introduced superior

flower varieties that are adaptable


One of our guiding principles here

at Schaad Seed & Flower is to con-

tribute positively to our communities

and environment. Our successes in

breeding and producing the best flow-

er varieties in the world would not

be possible without our close and

supportive relationship to our neigh-

bors and the environment. W

e make

significant investments in protecting

wildlife and wildlands in the form of

grants to conservation organizations

locally and globally

. We research and

implement wide-ranging conservation

practices at our facilities. And we

participate in educational programs

that incorporate environmental con-

cerns into science and agricultural


We are currently hard at work to

initiate a new program. One that will

bring us closer to our community


both in spirit and kind. W

e have


e strive to

be the best

by achieving

the highest

standards of

quality in all

that we do.

Control de color para
igualar a la imprenta

Impresión de imágenes
complejos es rápida.

Prototipos visuales
de envasados,
folletos y mailing.


Tabloide extra



Todos los tamaños caben

Imprima en papel desde tamaño postal (100 x 150mm) a DIN A3 y
Tabloide Extra (305 x 457mm), o cualquier tamaño intermedio. Con la
300X, usted puede imprimir dos páginas completas con
sitio de sobra para imágenes a sangre.

Imprimir por la vía rápida

Plazos ajustados? No se preocupe. La Phaser 300X no es una impresora de inyección de

tinta líquida. Es rápida. Los ingenieros de Tektronix la diseñaron para grupos de trabajo

con cargas de trabajo de verdad. De hecho, es una de las impresoras de color de

tamaño DIN A3 más rápidas que hay. Configurada con 22 Mbytes de RAM,
tiene a bordo memoria de sobra para asegurar transferencias rápidas de los

archivos ricos en gráficos de hoy día. La memoria interleaved de Tektronix

procesa archivos con imágenes complejas a una velocidad récord. Y el motor

de impresión proporciona un rendimiento asombroso. Usted puede imprimir
una página completa de color en DIN A4 de alta calidad en sólo un minuto.