Capture – Tektronix Spectrum Analyzer User Manual

Page 6

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RSA Real-Time Spectrum Analyzers



User adjustable color scaling shows signal

amplitude transitions

Spectrogram showing a pulsed AM signal...

measure spectral occupancy and amplitude,

timing between pulses. Also measure transient

signals at carrier turn-on time

Marker/delta markers provide signal amplitude,

frequency, frame number and time

Trigger/pre-trigger time designation

As the complexity of new RF components, devices and systems continues to increase, the ability to acquire and

store a record of time-variant RF signal activity and thoroughly analyze its unique behavior – over time, in multiple

domains – is becoming increasingly essential. Tektronix’ Real-Time Spectrum Analyzers meet these requirements

by seamlessly capturing and recording all the signals across a user-selected span – up to 110 MHz, depending

upon model used. Transient, pulsed and other time-variant signals are all captured as a seamless time record into

deep memory. Some models also include an option for streaming live IQ data to an output for external recording

and analysis.



a Seamless Time Record of a Span of RF Frequencies

Spectrogram showing oscillator

turn-on settling characteristic enables

measurement frequency variance

over time

Readouts show first and last spectra

(frame) displayed, with color scaling

that indicates amplitude


