Tachyon graphics monitor 2.0 – Tyan Computer Tachyon tgm 200 User Manual
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Tachyon Graphics Monitor 2.0
PART V: Overclocking your Tachyon Graphics Card
Under “VPU SPEED,” you will find both the factory default speed setting and the
current speed of the VPU. Under “MEMORY SPEED,” you will find both the
factory default setting and the current speed of your memory. In order to change
the speed of the VPU or memory, first point and click on the slide control button
provided and then pull the button to the right (increase) or to the left (decrease)
until the desired speed is selected. Second, you must click the “Apply” button
located under the System Information display to execute the desired settings. In the drop down
menu located under the System Information display, you will see two choices: “Default
Settings” and “Preferred Settings.” “Default Settings” will set the VPU and memory speed back
to the factory default settings. “Preferred Settings” will set the VPU and memory speed back to the last applied personal
settings. After you click the “Apply” button, a confirmation dialog window will appear. This window will display the
desired clock speed settings. Confirm these settings by clicking “OK” or cancel these settings by clicking “Cancel.” You
will have ten seconds to make your decision or the new settings
will be canceled. If canceled, the TGM will automatically set the
VPU and memory speeds back to the last applied personal
PART VI: Understanding the System Information Display
When loaded, the TGM will automatically extract the following information: AGP
MAX Mode, Driver Version, Memory Size and VPU model. “AGP MAX Mode”
refers to the maximum AGP bus mode supported by your motherboard. “Driver
Version” refers to the current driver version installed with your graphics card.
Compare this information with the driver version available on the Tyan website to
determine whether or not you have the latest driver. Installing the latest driver update may give you new software functions
and improve your card’s performance. “Memory Size” refers to the amount and type of memory on your Tachyon graphics
card. “VPU” refers to the specific model of the graphics processor used on your card.
PART VII: Reading the Hardware Monitor
The TGM’s Hardware Monitor was designed to help
you determine in real-time the safety of your system
by monitoring key indicators such as fan speed and
VPU temperature. To enable the Hardware Monitor,
go to the main Video Settings Window and click on
the “Enable Hardware Monitor Feature” button.
**NOTE: PLEASE DISABLE the Hardware Monitor while using graphic intensive applications like computer
games or benchmarks. As the Hardware Monitor shares the same AGP bus, the performance of your applications and the
hardware indicator readings in the TGM will be affected. However, even if the Hardware Monitor is disabled or the TGM
Window is closed, the program will still beep if one of the Hardware Items falls below or exceeds the designated safe range.