Thermador VTI1010D User Manual
Thermador Fans

5551 McFadden Avenue, Huntington Beach, CA 92649 Phone: 714-901-6600 Fax: 714-901-5980
These instructions must only be used as a guideline for installation. Please refer to the installation manual for the
VCI230DS/ VCI236DS/ VCI248DS for planning and detailed instructions.
1. For Integral application, mount the VTI1010D to the wall as close to the inlet of the custom insert as possible. There
is no need to remove the mounting brackets provided on the custom insert and the blower (Refer to page 7 of
installation manual).
2. Two 2” x 4” x 16½” (minimum) spacers will be needed to fill the gap between the blower and the wall to provide
support to the blower.
3. Measure out the space between the inlet of the blower & the outlet of the custom insert. This will be limited by the
height of brackets on the hood. Cut a 10” ducting piece to the appropriate length. Install ducting on the custom insert
and attach the blower.**
4. Mount the blower to the wall and secure ducting to blower outlet.
5. Tape and seal all joints.
*Note: Brackets are not used to mount the blower
**Tip: You can also use a 10” Elbow piece (off the shelf) and turn it to make it straight. Use this as the ducting between
the hood & the blower.
Installing VTI1010D as Integral Blower with VCI2xxDS