Taco Metals Marine Products 302-054 User Manual
Page 2

A5: Storage
If not to be used immediately, the pumpset should be stored in a
dry, warm and vibration-free environment. For extended periods
of storage, pump and motor shaft should occasionally be rotated
one full turn. Do not remove flange covers until the pump is ready
to be connected to its pipework.
A6: Foundation
The foundation should be sufficiently substantial to reduce vibra-
tions and rigid enough to avoid any twisting or misalignment.
(See Figure 3.)
The foundation should be poured without interruptions to within
to 1
inches of the finished height. The top surface of the foun-
dation should be well scored and grooved before the concrete
sets. This provides a bonding surface for the grout. Foundation
bolts should be set in concrete. Allow enough bolt length for
grout, shims, lower baseplate flange, nuts and washers. The foun-
dation should be allowed to cure for several days before the base-
plate is shimmed and grouted.
A7: Baseplate Setting
Use blocks and shims under base for support at foundation bolts
and midway between bolts to position base approximately 1 inch
above the concrete foundation with the studs extending through
holes in the baseplate.
(See Figure 4.)
By adding or removing shims under the base, level the pump
shaft and flanges. The baseplate does not have to be level.
Draw foundation bolt nuts tight against baseplate and observe
pump and motor shafts or coupling hubs for alignment.
Check to make sure the piping can be aligned to the pump
flanges without placing pipe strain on either flange.
Grout baseplate in completely and allow grout to dry thoroughly
before attaching piping to pump (24 hours is sufficient time with
approved grouting procedure).
A8: Grouting Procedure
Grout compensates for uneven foundation, distributes weight of
unit and prevents shifting (see Figure 4). After setting and level-
ling unit, use an approved, non-shrinking grout as follows:
(a) Build strong form around foundation to contain grout.
(b) Soak top of concrete foundation thoroughly, then remove
surface water.
(c) Baseplate should be completely filled with grout and, if
necessary, drill vent holes to remove trapped air.
(d) After the grout has thoroughly hardened, check the
foundation bolts and tighten if necessary.
(e) Check the alignment after the foundation bolts are
(f) Approximately 14 days after the grout has been poured or
when the grout has thoroughly dried, apply an oil base
paint to the exposed edges of the grout to prevent air and
moisture from coming in contact with the grout.
A9: Coupling Alignment
Although the coupling will have been aligned during manufacture,
it is important that the cou-
pling alignment is checked
and, if necessary, adjusted
after installation. Small deflec-
tions of the bedplate during
transport and installation can
affect the alignment. A mis-
aligned coupling can cause
vibration and reduced bear-
ing life for the pump and
CAUTION: When using a forklift, particular
care should be taken to properly balance the
load. The electric motor may be significantly
heavier or lighter than the pump. If possible,
use the original pallet or skid provided.
MAX 90°
Figure 2: Lifting the Complete Pumpset
Figure 5a
Figure 3
Figure 4