Rápido almacenaje, Almacenaje de largo plazo – Top Innovations SF-622 User Manual

Page 6

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Top Innovations, Inc.








The Handle (1) is used to safely raise and lower the Pressing Plate, and to carry the unit when not in use.
The Steam Burst Button (2) is located on the inside surface of the Handle, and produces a single powerful burst of steam from

the vents on the Pressing Plate when pressed. The Steam Burst Button may be pressed up to four times consecutively for
multiple bursts of steam.

NOTE: The steam burst function is only available on the two highest temperature settings (COTTON and MAX/LINEN).

The Lock (3) secures the Pressing Plate and Ironing Board together. This allows for the unit to be easily carried and stored.
The Control Panel (4) is located on the top side of the unit. This is where the units Fabric Select Button and status lights can be


The Fabric Select Button (4


) is pressed to cycle through the units four available temperature options, as well as the default

power mode (indicated by the Power Indicator Light). The four temperature settings are represented by the type of fabric they
are best suited for use on (NYLON, WOOL/SILK, COTTON, MAX/LINEN).

The Power Indicator Light (4


) illuminates when the On/Off Switch is set to “On” (I) position, indicating that the unit is on and

currently in the default power mode.

NOTE: The Power Indicator Light will not remain illuminated once the Fabric Select Button is pressed and one of the four
heating options is selected. If all four temperature settings are cycled through, the unit will return to default power mode
(indicated by the Power Indicator Light
), which will stop all active heating. Continuing to press the Fabric Select Button
will make the unit cycle through the four temperature settings and the default power mode repeatedly.

The Temperature Indicator Lights (4


), located on the left side of each of the four temperature settings, illuminate as the Fabric

Select Button is pressed to indicate which setting is selected.

The Heating Indicator Lights (4


), located on the right side of the four temperature settings, illuminate to indicate the units

heating status. The Heating Indicator Lights blink while the unit is heating, then remain steady when the selected temperature is
reached. Each setting uses a different color:
NYLON = green, WOOL/SILK = yellow, COTTON = orange, MAX/LINEN = red.

NOTE: When heating to a higher temperature, each of the Heating Indicator Lights below the selection will illuminate in
succession until the desired temperature is reached, and will remain lit during use. For example, if COTTON is selected,
the green and yellow Heating Indicator Lights
will illuminate before the orange one, and will remain lit so long as
COTTON remains selected.

The Auto Shut-Off Indicator Light (4


) illuminates whenever the units Auto Shut-Off feature is active, blinking continuously

until deactivated. Refer to “Auto Shut-Off” on Page 9 for details.

The Water Tank (5) is the reservoir in which distilled water is stored before being pumped into the units boiler and converted into

steam. There must be distilled water in the Water Tank in order for the steam burst function to work.

The Water Tank Plug (5


) is removed in order to fill the Water Tank with distilled water. The Water Tank Plug is tethered to the

unit, and cannot be removed completely - this prevents it from being lost or misplaced.

The On/Off Switch (6) is used to turn the unit on and off (represented by (O) = “Off”, (I) = “On”). When set to “On” (I) position,

the Power Indicator Light will illuminate, until a temperature setting is selected by pressing the Fabric Select Button.

The Pressing Plate (7) is the temperature-controlled non-stick surface that uses heat and direct pressure to press fabrics. Vents

located on the Pressing Plate release steam when the Steam Burst Button is pressed.

The Ironing Board (8) is the padded surface where materials are placed for pressing. The fabric cover that protects the Ironing

Board is removable and can be washed or replaced.

WARNING: The bottom of the Ironing Board becomes hot during use. Use care not to touch it, in order to avoid burns
or other injury.

The Cord Storage Compartment (9), located on the bottom of the unit, provides a convenient and easily accessible place to

bundle the power cord for storage. The Cord Storage Compartment is covered by a hinged door which must be opened in order
to insert or remove the power cord.

The Measuring Cup (10) is designed to fill the Water Tank with distilled water more quickly and easily, with minimal spilling.


The optional Pressing Cushion (11) is a fabric-covered pad used for pressing gathered or contoured areas such as sleeves, darts,

or yokes.

The optional Spray Bottle (12) allows you to lightly moisten fabrics, which can help to make pressing more effective for certain

materials. This is especially useful when using the lower temperature settings (NYLON, WOOL/SILK), when the unit’s steam
burst function is unavailable.

For details on ordering optional accessories, refer to Page 14 of this manual.


Top Innovations, Inc.








1. El Interruptor Iluminado Encendido/Apagado puesto a la posición de "Apagado" (O), y desconectado el cable

eléctrico del enchufe eléctrico.

2. Permita que la unidad se enfríe totalmente (por lo menos 30 minutos).
3. Limpie la Placa de Planchar con un paño húmedo suave. No utilice materiales abrasivos, esto puede dañar la

Placa de Planchar

4. Baje la Placa de Planchar y mueva la Cerradura a la posición de “Cerrado” - esto asegurará la unidad junta en

la posición cerrada.

5. Ate el cable eléctrico dentro del compartimiento del almacenaje del cordón, y guarde su Prensa Compacta

Digital de Vapor en un lugar frío y seco.


1. El Interruptor Iluminado Encendido/Apagado puesto a la posición de "Apagado" (O), y desconectado el cable

eléctrico del enchufe eléctrico.

2. Permita que la unidad se enfríe totalmente (por lo menos 30 minutos).
3. Remueva el Enchufe del Tanque de Agua del Tanque de Agua, y drene toda la agua restante en un fregadero o

la tina. Substituya el Enchufe del Tanque de Agua.

4. Conecte el cable eléctrico en un enchufe eléctrico, y fije el Interruptor Iluminado Encendido/Apagado a la

posición de "Encendido" (I).

5. Con el Botón Seleccionador de la Tela, fije la temperatura a MAX/LINO y permita que la unidad se caliente.
6. Una vez calentado, presione el Botón de la Ráfaga d Vapor lanzar una ráfaga de vapor. Continúe presionando

el Botón de la Ráfaga de Vapor hasta que no se produzca más de vapor. La unidad ahora está completamente
vacía de agua.

NOTA: Vaciar toda la agua de la unidad ayuda a reducir al mínimo el potencial en la acumulación de
sarro, que se puede causar por el alto contenido de minerales que existen en muchos abastecimientos de
agua municipales.

7. El Interruptor Iluminado Encendido/Apagado puesto a la posición de "Apagado" (O), y desconectado el cable

eléctrico del enchufe eléctrico.

8. Permita que la unidad se enfríe totalmente (por lo menos 30 minutos).
9. Limpie la Placa de Planchar con un paño húmedo suave. No utilice materiales abrasivos, esto puede dañar la


10. Baje la Placa de Planchar y mueva la Cerradura a la posición de “Cerradura” - esto asegurará la unidad junta

en la posición cerrada.

11. Ate el cable eléctrico dentro del Compartimiento del Almacenaje del Cable y almacene su Prensa Compacta

Digital de Vapor en un lugar frío y seco.

La cubierta de tela, que protege al Tablero d Planchar, es desprendible para poderla limpiar fácilmente. Localice
los cordones en el borde de la cubierta de tela (pueden ser remetidas adentro), y desátelas para quitarla del
Tablero de Planchar (asegurase de dejar el cojín de la esponja en se lugar). Lave a mano la unidad con un
detergente suave, y déjelo secar al aire libre. Una vez que haya terminado, ponga la cubierta de tela detrás el
Tablero de Planchar (y el cojín de esponja), y que el lado plateado esté para arriba. Jale los cordones mostrados
para apretarlo detrás en su lugar, después re-ate los cordones para asegurar la cubierta de tela al Tablero de

Si es necesario, reemplazar la tela y los cojines de esponja están disponibles para la compra. Refiérase a la
forma de orden en la Página 14 para los detalles.