Telstrat Argent User Manual
Page 17

Argent Terminal Adaptor - User Guide
Version 1.1
Telstra Corporation Limited
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8. Click Next
10. Click Finish
3.6.17 V.120 Setup
V.120 allows a device using a serial port to connect to another remote device using a
serial port. The V.120 carries the data transparently like a cable. V.120 handles transport
mechanisms without involving the end devices or terminals.
This protocol is ideal for legacy equipment that previously required a modem, or leased
line for connection. Some applications would be connection to Cash Registers,
monitoring equipment, Bar Code readers, serial printers, Unix, Macintosh, Windows and
DOS based PCs.
V.120 requires the devices on the local and remote ends of the ISDN connection to be set
up exactly the same. Both ends must use the same number of data bits, parity, speed and
stop bits. Currently the most popular setting for asynchronous serial connections are no
parity, 8 data bits and one stop bit, (ie N, 8,1).
To set up V.120, use a Terminal Communications program (e.g. Microsoft ™
Hyperterminal) and connect to the V.24 Port of the ATA. Use the following command to
change to V.120.
Any AT command will cause the ATA to autobaud changing the speed or baud rate to
match the speed of the AT command.
3.6.18 Connect the EFTPOS terminal
After observing that the ATA is operational, test the service using your CPE. If not
already done, connect the EFTPOS terminal. The Display should change to a flashing 5
(carrier detected but no terminal responding) then to just the decimal point when the
terminal begins responding normally.
Important Note: When the V.24 port is set up by Telstra remote management system to
run EFTPOS, it can not be used for PPP or V.120.
3.6.19 End to end test
Contact your Service Provider to arrange for an end to end test.