Tailgator The Original Portable Gas Powered Blender User Manual
Page 8

TailGatorology and Gatorizims
The TailGator
was designed and built after seeing a need
for a blender that would work well any place any time. You
have purchased a product, that we feel has been perfected
after many hours of product design and testing. We honestly
don’t remember much about the testing but the results are
very clear.
There is always the question of how many drinks to the
gallon. Although we have attempted that test several times,
we have yet to successfully complete it. The one thing that
has been proven over and over again, is the fact that you will
get more dates now that you own a TailGator
The TailGator is truly a very wise investment. You will see
that when you use the TailGator
, a crowd will begin to form.
The onlookers will want to see it run as much as possible.
For every pitcher blended, give yourself a sample. Thus
eliminating your need to purchase ingredients and saves
you money.
The spiritual events you might experience with the TailGator
could be phenomenal. It has been mentioned that the
has taken many different shape and resemblance's.
There are those people who feel it necessary to pray to the
Gator God. Besides, after a few successful operations of the
and, if you squint just right, it looks just like the
Gator God or maybe its Stone Henge. Nevertheless it’s all
Blend on……...
Now that you've made it past
all the boring shhtuff, let’s
get on with the fun shhtuff
and blend on and on and on
and on . . . . . . . . .