Performance tips – Traxxas 1508 User Manual
Page 6

The radio system that is provided with the ready-to-run models
is covered by separate warranty on a separate page (included in
your documentation package). The radio system warranty does
not cover water damage.
This model is not intended for use by children without the
supervision of a responsible adult. Every precaution outlined in
this manual should be followed to help ensure safe operation.
Traxxas Corporation shall not be liable for any loss or damages,
whether direct, indirect, special, incidental, or consequential, aris-
ing from the use, misuse, or abuse of this product and any
accessory or chemical required to operate this product.
Traxxas corporation reserves the right to make changes, modi-
fications, and improvements to this product without notification,
and which may not be reflected in these documents. Upgrades
and improvements are not necessarily retroactive. Traxxas may
not provide improved or updated components free of charge for
models built prior to any change in specification.
If it has been determined that your model is somehow defective,
return it to Traxxas with a note describing the problem, and a
copy of the purchase receipt or invoice. Remove all batteries.
Remember that the warranty only covers brand new products
which are defective right out of the box. All other service will be
estimated on an individual basis. Be sure to include a return
address and a daytime phone number.
The Traxxas Villain IV, in its stock form, will run at speeds of
approximately 15-18 MPH (with the Stinger
20 turn motors).
Many different parts and accessories are available from aftermar-
ket manufacturers which can greatly enhance the speed of the
Villain. When all of the add-on accessories are combined with
high performance motors and batteries, speeds can reach, or
even exceed, 30MPH. Traxxas engineers have radar-clocked their
own test Villains in excess of 30MPH.
PROPS: New props are the least expensive and most beneficial
modification you can make to your Villain.
1 Octura X447 (LH) Beryllium copper prop
1 Octura X447 (RH) Beryllium copper prop
2 Octura OCGCSS prop shafts
WATER COOLING: Water cooling is highly recommended for all
levels of Villain modification and is mandatory for all 12-cell appli-
cations. The cooling system consists of aluminum tubing which
picks up water from underneath the boat, circulates it through
coils wrap-ped around the motors, and in some cases, the speed
control, and then exits through the side or rear of the boat. These
systems can remove up to 50% of the heat generated inside high-
performance boats.
The Traxxas water
cooling kit, part
#1575, includes all
the parts necessary
to water cool the
MOTORS: Modified
motors are available
in reverse rotation for
perfect compatibility
with the Villain’s counter rotat-
ing props. Using approved modified motors will cause significantly
increased current draw through the boat's electrical components.
As the horsepower of your motors increases, so should the thick-
ness of the wires and the quality and current capacity of the
speed control and batteries.
SPEED CONTROLS: The ultimate set-up is to use a fully pro-
portional electronic speed control which is designed to handle
the increased voltage and huge current draw. There are many dif-
ferent brands of these speed controls available, along with many
different features such as water cooling, reverse capability, and
thermal shutdown protection. Consult your hobby dealer to find
which suits your needs and budget.
Some final thoughts...Careful assembly is crucial to obtaining
the best results with the high-performance Villains. This means
making sure all the rotating mechanisms operate freely with as
little friction as possible. The left and right drive systems should
be equal to each other. If one side runs faster or is adjusted differ-
ently from the other side, the Villain will exhibit inconsistent per-
formance. Experiment with the trim adjustments on the drive
units to find which angle offers the best overall performance with
your particular motors, and gear ratios. Also, look for ways to
reduce weight and bottom surface drag. When all of these ele-
ments are combined, your Villain will be one of the fastest electric
V-hulls around.
For technical assistance, call 1-888-TRAXXAS or
(800) 323-0069.
For orders & other information, call (972) 613-3300.