Featur es, Features – FoodSaver V2860 User Manual
Page 4

Progress Lights
Signal progression of vacuuming and sealing
process. All three lights extinguish when the
full process is finished.
Instant Seal Button
This button has four uses:
1. Press to immediately stop the vacuum
process and begin sealing the bag. This
prevents crushing delicate items such as
bread, cookies and pastries.
2. Press to create a seal when making bags
from a FoodSaver Roll.
3. Press to create a seal on Mylar bags
(such as a potato chip bag) to keep food
sealed airtight.
4. Press during Pulse mode to seal bag.
Canister Vacuum Button
Press to achieve best vacuum for
canisters and accessories.
Control Button
Use to manually control the vacuum process
and avoid crushing delicate items. See Tips
section for further information.
Seal Reminder Light
Flashes when using the PulseVac
Control function to remind you to
press the Seal Button.
Advanced Design Features
Vacuum & Seal Button
This button has two uses:
1. Press to vacuum package and seal food
airtight. Appliance shuts off automatically.
2. Press to cancel any process at any point.
Adjustable Food Settings
Select food type to optimize the seal – Dry
(normal seal time) for foods without liquid;
Moist (longer seal time) for juicy foods.
Accessory Port
Attach Accessory Hose
here to
vacuum package with FoodSaver Canisters
and Accessories.
Three Speed Settings
Select speed to optimize vacuum –
Gentle for delicate foods; Normal for
average-sized bags, canisters and all
accessories; Fast for larger-sized bags
and canisters.
The user-friendly control panel makes it easy for you to get the most out of your FoodSaver Advanced
Design Features, and the touchpad design allows you to easily wipe it clean.
Flip-up Storage
The V2860 model flips upright for convenient,
space-saving storage. See Tips section for detailed
flip-up directions.