TV Ears DRI-DOCK User Manual

Electronic hearing aid dryer, Operating instructions

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Electronic Hearing Aid Dryer


Designed to remove moisture from your hearing aids and

earphones and help to maintain peak performance.

Operating Instructions

In the Evening:

1. Push the switch on the back of the Dri-Dock to the ON position. The green light

indicator should illuminate.

2. Place your hearing aid(s) inside the Dri-Dock with the battery compartment of

the hearing aid left open. Place the earmold with the canal aimed down. This is

the same for both in-the-ear and behind-the-ear hearing aids.

3. Close the lid of the Dri-Dock. The Dri-Dock will remove moisture from your

hearing aid(s) while you sleep.

In the Morning:

1. Turn the switch on the back of the Dri-Dock to the OFF position. Open the lid

and remove your hearing aid(s). Allow them to cool to room temperature.

2. Wipe the hearing aid(s) with a dry tissue.

3. Insert hearing aid(s) and enjoy another day of better hearing.

Should you experience any difficulty with your hearing aids, contact your hearing healthcare

professional immediately.

Limited Warranty:

The warranty for the TV Ears Dri-Dock Electronic Hearing Aid Dryer is limited

to defects in material and workmanship for 1 year from the date of

purchase. Warranty is voided should any repair be attempted by anyone

other than TV Ears, Inc.

For service, contact TV Ears, Inc. toll free at 888-883-3277

Monday - Friday 7am-4pm PST