TANDBERG Hub User Manual

Page 53

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TANDBERG 3G Gateway User Manual

When dialing the number 67890000 there will be a match with “0000” as the significant number.
The H.323 number to call is: 50000 (construction: prefix + significant numbers + postfix). When
dialing number 67894321 this will match with “4321” as the significant number. The H.323
number to call is: 54321 (construction: prefix + significant numbers + postfix)

Example 2: Hotline

Service type DiD
Net type (from): H324m/3G
From Prefix/Nr: 67890000
From Postfix:
Net type (to): H323
To Prefix/Nr: 51234
To Postfix:

When dialing number 67890000 this will match with no significant number. The H.323 number to
call is: 51234 (construction: prefix + significant numbers + postfix). When dialing number
67894321 this will not match.

Example3: SIP to H323

Service type DiD
Net type (from): SIP
From Prefix/Nr: 12345
From Postfix:
Net type (to): H323
To Prefix/Nr: 987654321
To Postfix:

When dialing number 12345@<3G-Gateway-IP-Address> on a SIP endpoint, one is connected to
an H323 endpoint with number 987654321.

Example4: H323 to SIP

Service type DiD
Net type (from): H323
From Prefix/Nr: 12346
From Postfix:
Net type (to): SIP
To Prefix/Nr: 1234567
To Postfix: @

When dialing number 12346 on an H323 endpoint, one is connected to 1234567@Address>