Toro Sprinkler Timer with Computer Programming Option ECXTRA User Manual

Page 19

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Selecting Program Start Times

A program start time is the time of day you select to

begin an automatic program watering cycle.

It is important to remember that a program only
requires one start time to operate automatically!

When a program starts, each zone assigned to the

program will water in numerical order, one at a time for

its set run time.
Sometimes it is necessary to run a watering program

more than one time per day. For example, when germi-

nating a new lawn. The ECXTRA enables each program

to have up to four separate start times per day.
Program start times are numbered 1 through 4. These

numbers are shown at the top left of the display next to

the start time symbol

when the control dial is in the



position and indicate how many start times

are currently set for the program.
This illustration shows how

a program start time is dis-

played. In this example,

program A has one start time

(start time number 1) set

for 3:00



Setting the Zone Run Time

A zone run time is the length of time the zone (controlled

by the valve) will water during the program watering

cycle. The run time for each zone can be set from Off

(no run time) to 4 hours, in one-minute increments.
A zone is assigned to a program when it is given a run

time. If the run time for a zone is turned Off in a program,

it will not operate during the program watering cycle.

This is how the ECXTRA enables you to assign zones to

different programs.
Each zone can have a different run time assigned in each

program. For example, zone 1 could be set to run for 15

minutes in program A and 10 minutes in program B.
All zones assigned to the program are shown on the

lower portion of the display when the control dial is in the






This illustration shows how

zone run time is displayed. In

this example, zones 1–6 are

assigned to program A. Zone 1

has a 10-minute run time and

zone 2 is set to run for 25 min-

utes. The zone run time being

displayed is identified by the

flashing zone number. Note the

run time symbol is shown to

indicate that zone run time is

being set.

