The closest approach, Hi-fi news (july 2000) – QUAD Classic Series ESL User Manual

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Ask many of the finest recording professionals in the

world what their speaker of choice is as the answer is

surprisingly common. The Quad ESL opens a window

on a recording unlike any other speaker.

For professional musicians and studios, this is an

invaluable asset, for no matter how good a moving coil

loudspeaker may seem - no matter how impressive its

dynamic ability, the laws of physics are such that it

cannot be as fast and accurate as an electrostatic

transducer. An ESL is like a giant capacitor, tracking the

music signal with such precision and agility that using

them is the only real way to know exactly what is on the


The Quad ESL has been used by Tony Faulkner for many

years. He use the ESL 63, the ESL 63 Pro and now uses a

pair of ESL 989s for his critical monitoring.

Tony has produced over a thousand classical music

recordings using the Quad ESL because he knows he

can trust what he hears - that the very essence of the

performance is being transferred.

Likewise with acoustic engineers - what do they regard

as an absolute reference? Next time you are visiting a hi-

fi show, look for the acoustic engineers - the amplifier

designers - even the other loudspeaker designers. More

likely than not, they will have a pair of ESLs hidden

away in a corner.

Lastly consider the magazine reviewers - the so-called

critics with golden ears who listen daily to a multitude

of loudspeakers - assessing how they perform. What do

they use to compare all other speakers?

Once again, the results are clear. Although arguments

rage between them - Ken Kessler, Senior Reviewer at Hi-

Fi News Magazine awarded the ESL-57 ‘Product of the

Millennium’ back in 2000 and in his mind it has never

been surpassed. Paul Seydor, Hollywood editor and the

man in charge of the absolute sound waxes lyrical about

the ESL 63 at every opportunity, whilst Stereophile

magazine has awarded the ESL 989, not only Product of

the Year in 2004, but Component of the Year as well -

the highest of all awards. The real answer is that Quad

ESLs have always been in a class of their own, each

generation winning new fans and enthusiasts.

‘Going back to conventional speakers
afterwards merely highlights how great
the 989 is’

– Hi-Fi News (July 2000)

The closest approach...