QSC Audio ISIS 215PCM User Manual

Page 23

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PROCESSOR USE: General Guidelines and Preset Description

NOTE! The factory setting for all eight Preset memories is wire-
through. Signals are passed from input to output without any
processing. Each Processor must be configured as desired by
the user. You may select configurations from the sample files
(*.cfg) within Signal Manager or create your own.

Factory Presets

This is a professional level DSP product that allows the user

to produce virtually unlimited signal processor variations

and configurations. Because of the infinite configuration

possibilities of digital signal processing, it is possible to

create configurations that may result in unwanted signals

or uncontrollable output.

The Signal Manager software has no way of knowing if the

DSP configuration you have designed will produce the

results you intend. You can create signal loops in a

configuration that may oscillate and damage your sound

system if applied to the unit. When applying an untested

configuration or when designing or experimenting with this

unit, it is a very good idea to turn down the amplifier’s

physical gain controls. That way, you won’t damage your

speakers or create very loud sounds if you apply a configu-

ration that doesn’t do what you thought it would.

IMPORTANT! Please read before operating this Digital Signal Processor with your audio system.

As a general rule, DO NOT CREATE SIGNAL LOOPS! Do not

mix the output of a DSP object back into its own input!

There is nothing useful to achieve by doing this, you will

only create an oscillator that could damage your speakers.


WITH GREAT CAUTION! These functions produce signals

that can harm your speakers. Start with lowered gain

settings. If you don’t hear a signal when you think you

should, DO NOT INCREASE THE GAIN!!! If the signal isn’t

audible at lower levels, there is something else wrong.

Turning up the gain to full exposes you and your system to

the possibility that some loose connection somewhere will

suddenly send a full-amplitude signal through your sound


Like all freely configurable signal processing tools, this DSP

will do what the configuration your design tells it to do,

which may not be what you expect it to do, so use caution.

General Use Guidelines for Freely-Configurable DSP