Olivetti ARCHIMEDIES JP101 User Manual
Page 5

14) Programmed Vertical Tabulation
VDU1, 27, 1, 81
(format information)
VDU1, 27, 1, 90
This is the vertical version of 12) above. See 12) for more information. The following program
demonstrates printing as programmed vertical tab stops.
10 @%=0
20 VDU2
30 VDU1, 27, 1, 81'
40 PRINT"60;10;15;40;47";
50 VDU1, 27, 1, 90
60 Z=0
90 VDU1, 11
100 Z=Z+1
110 UNTIL Z=6
120 VDU1, 12
130 VDU3
15) Vertical Tab
Prints contents of buffer up to tab code, then performs paper skip to next vertical tab stop as defined by a
Vertical Tabulation Program. If there is no vertical tab stop defined, then the printer performs one line feed.
16) Paper Skip
VDU1, 12
Performs paper feed to first print line of next page.
17) Relative Vertical Form Skip
VDU1, 27, 1, 73, 1, i, l, j, l, k (where i=48+x, j=48+y, k=48+z)
Performs a paper skip of xyz line feeds, where xyz is less than 255. For example to obtain 100 line feeds
use VDU1, 27, 1, 73, 1, 49, 1, 28, 1, 48
18) Line Feed
VDU1, 10
Performs a single line feed
16th June 1992
Support Group Application Note No. 002, Issue 1
Support Group Application Note No. 002, Issue 1